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  1. Machi

    Resources Non-copyrighted and royalty free music

    Hey guys/girls ^___^ I make some music, nothing big but still... If you need some background music for your videos it can be useful. Most of the time I do electro music but you can find orchestral and piano too :3 I made playlists for that on my youtube channel That's it :D ps: Please if you...
  2. Machi

    Community I'm new to freedom and i'm looking for help and possibly some callabs

    Hey buddy! What's up? ^___^ That's amazing to see people who really want to collab... I only make music so I can't help a lot sorry :/ I don't know what is the exact name, but there's a section on this forum where you can ask for reviews o: people are always honnest! And there's also a section...
  3. Machi

    VLOG So who's new to Youtube?

    Hey there! That's all brand new then ^___^ I'm happy for you!! Yeah it takes a lot of work and time to grow a channel properly, because you have to meet a looot of people... And yes it takes time xD Anyway welcome here! I'd love to talk with you sometimes :D
  4. Machi

    Community HELLO I'M SHUTING

    Hello buddy! welcome here ^___^ what kind of videos do you make? Just curious :3
  5. Machi

    Gaming Tudi here :)!

    Hey Soren! I have a question, what is the difference between "o" and "ø"? Welcome here by the way!
  6. Machi

    Gaming Story About Banshee Videos

    Of course :3 You're on the board now!
  7. Machi

    Gaming Story About Banshee Videos

    Hey buddy I am so sorry to hear about your father, and your family. But I'm also very happy that you found someone <3 Welcome here then, if you need anything just ask!
  8. Machi

    Gaming Introduction

    Hey Manh! Your name is not weird at all, it only depends of your country I guess :D It's a cool name! Welcome here then :3 *high five*
  9. Machi

    Should YouTube bring back animated banners?

    Carrot top minecraft have one
  10. Machi

    Gaming Meet me, Wolf!

    Oops XD I'm so sorry then. I don't know any word in dutch :(
  11. Machi

    Gaming Meet me, Wolf!

    DUUUUUTCH! Ich bein eine frau. Ich esse brot. Ich drinkt wasser. That's all I know LOL Welcome here buddy! if you need anything just ask :D
  12. Machi

    Should YouTube bring back animated banners?

    But you still can do that with G+ .___. If you make a gif, I saw a lot of channels with animated pictures
  13. Machi

    Community Youtube Help, Gaming, and Tech Channel: Envios

    Oh god it's asuch a beautiful dog!!! Husky are cool too haha
  14. Machi

    Gaming Hello Everyone Its DarkAngelPandaz Here!

    Wow you do a lot of things then O.o that's awesome! mmm vanila is thee best *Q*
  15. Machi

    Gaming HI THERE :D

    Hi thereee! More people from the UK?! haha this forum is officially british now :'D Welcome here buddy! :D
  16. Machi

    Gaming Hey guys its cobrax

    Hey there! tell us more about you ^-^ do you like trees? When I was a kid I use to climb them. Also trees smell good .__. Do you like food?
  17. Machi

    Gaming Hello world

    I have to admit, I clicked because I saw a bee. Bee are cute! London, eh? never been .___. It seems like a great city if I beleive the postal ards lol I totally agree that youtube is a place where you can be yourself and connect with amazing people!! Your dream is the best dream I ever heard ♥...
  18. Machi

    Gaming The Erratic Gamer here !!!!

    Helloooo~ ♫ Welcome here buddy!!! I know why yoou are so excited to be her, it's because we're awesome, right? :cool: mwahaha yeah it's always exciting to see excited people! so happy :3 Welcome here then, if you have any question or just want to talk about how terrible are the TV shows, I'm...
  19. Machi

    Gaming hey im new

    "I'm called moppy cause my hair looks like a mop :3" haha what a nickname xD This is adorable ^___^ Welcome here buddy! If you have any question just ask. There's also a chatbox if you feel talking about how your food taste awesome today. I made a smoothie today btw and it tasted awesome. You...
  20. Machi

    Community Youtube Help, Gaming, and Tech Channel: Envios

    I do like the name ^__^ Tell us more about you! What kind of food do you eat? Do you like dogs? I like dogs :3 Welcome here!