Search results

  1. Machi

    Sports Hello iam konstantinos!!

    Yeahh sorry >__< there is a section "ressource and tips" an "creations" i'm sure you can find someone good in graphism to help you O:
  2. Machi

    Sports Hello iam konstantinos!!

    I really have to say that your graphics are awful you should change it ^____^"
  3. Machi

    Beauty ViKe here!!

    Heyyyy I'm so happy that you're not a gaming channel! I'm doing an overdose of gaming channels omfg I would recommend you to put a trailer to your channel so your home page on youtube will be more entertaining ^__^
  4. Machi

    Entertainment Introduction

    Hey there ^___^ As a new visitor on your channel, I don't think it's attractive '-' how the channel is setup and how it looks is important, for me at least xD It's just my opinion of course! Welcome here anyway, have fun! don't be shy and talk with us on the chatbox ;)
  5. Machi

    Educational Hello, I'm Elliott!

    that's .. special, indeed So I guess I can't ask you more about yourself lol
  6. Machi

    VLOG New here

    Hey there! We already talk a bit on the chat :D Canadian for the win! I like vlogs, it's like a show :3 Welcome here by the way! Don't forget to read the rules, they are useful!
  7. Machi

    Gaming Hello from Germany, i am RatisbonaTV

    I would LOVE that dude! :D
  8. Machi

    Solved why does my wiews stop counting

    Yeah I had the same problem! but that's a good thing! it means that more people watch your stuff suddenly so youtube check if it's real :D
  9. Machi

    Solved cant partner with freedom (learn more button hasn't shown)

    Yep! But I heard a technique from a friend here, who put all his videos private and after 15min put them public back. Back on the dashboard tadaaam there was the "learn more" :D Hehe but yeah you have to open a ticket on the support usualy so they can re-send you the invite
  10. Machi

    Gaming Hello from Germany, i am RatisbonaTV

    Guten tag! How are you? :3 I like german people. They are polite and respectful! I wish I could visit germany one day o: Welcome here then!!!! *high five* ^__^
  11. Machi

    Gaming Hello, I'm Atonify!

    Heeeeeey buddy~ First welcome here!!! I really hope you will make a lot of friends and have a looot of fun ^___^ it's importaant to feel good. Here, a cookie for you. I would love to check your channel!! hehe be careful, I comment A LOT :B
  12. Machi

    Sports Hello everyone, I'm Rokas!

    Hey buddy! Lithuania? Nice :D Thanks to you I know where is this country on a map now! The freedom community is the best!!!! welcome here!! *high five*
  13. Machi

    Have kids? Their favorite movie?

    Finding nemo and madagascar are still my fav movies xD and I'm 22 I also used to watch: - toy's story - dumbo - rox and rouky - Brother bear
  14. Machi

    Community EqualMedia TV Channel Spotlight

    Nice but I would like to know more about you ^-^ what kind of content do you usualy post? What is the spirit of your network? Things like that :D
  15. Machi

    Music Money making

    Hey there ^___^ are you talking about music? This whole thing is confusing. You will spend more money that you will get for sure, at least 100$ per year just for hosting your music if you make one per week for exemple. Also you will need some softwares and vst, pricy too :/ and they need to be...
  16. Machi

    Fitness I'm new YouTuber STAY POSITIVE

    I tried to watch one of your video... I had to mute the sound because omg I hate the music x__x But omg. How an you even do that?!? I need to make some exercise too... :/ This is really amazing... Also it have nothing to do with your video (or almost) but I really like the outside :3 I'd like...
  17. Machi

    Community New Here!

    Hey there ^___^ yeahhhh I see what you mean. But you can do whatever you want on your channel, because... It's your channel xD If you want to make cat videos, go for it, even if your previous video was a gaming one and the next one will be a make up stuff... I think it's a good thing to make a...
  18. Machi

    Fitness We are the World Of Parkour

    Hey there ^___^ haha it was very popular in france, almost all the teens used to do parkour in the cities... But a lot of them finished at the hospital! Take care of you :P
  19. Machi

    Music New Traditional and Byzantine music channels

    wooooow this is probably the more interesting thing I saw in my life so far in music!!!! I think I already heard something like that, probably in a movie or in a reportage .___. This is fascinating! I would like to know more about what it's all about, what does it means, stuff like that... I...
  20. Machi

    Resources Non-copyrighted and royalty free music

    Aw come on it's normal to help each other right? xD I think I made 50 or 60 .___. I upload something like once per week Like I said no big deal xD