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  1. RanOverATaxi

    PC need minecraft group

    What age should we be around?
  2. RanOverATaxi

    GFX Request Professional channel art

    Can you make me a better channel art then the one I have now that i made? And can you make me my thumbnails?
  3. RanOverATaxi

    XBox Xbox One Collab || 12-15 Years Old

    Hi! I am turning 14 this month, but i have a higher pitch voice then most people my age. I want to have make new friends and have fun playing games while doing it! I have a somewhat new/small channel. I have gotten somewhat decent views on my videos the past week, but I would like someone to...
  4. RanOverATaxi

    XBox Xbox One Collab || 12-15 years old

    Hi! I am turning 14 this month, but i have a higher pitch voice then most people my age. I want to have make new friends and have fun playing games while doing it! I have a somewhat newly re-started channel. I have gotten somewhat decent views on my videos the past week, but I would like...
  5. RanOverATaxi

    PC YouTube Collaboration/YouTube Group

    What do you record?
  6. RanOverATaxi

    PC YouTube Collaboration/YouTube Group

    Hey Guys! I just wanted to ask you guys if anyone wanted to collab with me and maybe create a YouTube group. I'm turning 14 on February 28th and just started my YouTube Channel! I have a higher pitch voice then most people so beware of that. Requirements: Under 15 years of age Good editing...
  7. RanOverATaxi

    Solved I've waited over 5 days for the Learn a more button!

    i have been waiting since Monday for a Learn More button to pop up on my YouTube Dashboard. I've tried everything and it's still not popping up. Please help!
  8. RanOverATaxi

    Solved Learn More is not popping up. Help!

    Hi, I just joined Freedom today and I have been waiting for hours now for it to pop up but it isn't. I read to submit a support ticket so I am. Thanks. What do I do?
  9. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming Wanna join a CSGO team

    I'm 13 turning 14 within a month but I sound A but younger. Male and just started off my YouTube Channel! My STEAM is RanOverATaxi but I am just starting CSGO but pretty good and don't know all of those terms you said. I used to do CoD Gamebattles and won most of the time but I want to switch...