I want to join! But im 14 so what should be the average age you should be causei dont want to be in a call with tons of 10 year olds or 17 year olds im fine with a couple older then me but not a ton. Thanks!
Btw, my skype is roat.private
Hey Guys! I just wanted to ask you guys if anyone wanted to collab with me and maybe create a YouTube group.
I'm turning 14 on February 28th and just started my YouTube Channel!
I have a higher pitch voice then most people so beware of that.
Under 15 years of age
Good editing
And btw, my first couple videos were bad, but I fixed my audio and quality of my video and there better now, and i can record Xbox now. Just so you know.
YouTube Name: RanOverATaxi
Age: 13 turning 14 on February 28
Skype: roat.private
YouTube Link: http://bit.ly/ranoverataxiyt
Twitch Link: http://bit.ly/ranoverataxilive
Editor: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "editor" but I think you mean who edits my videos and with what program and...