Search results

  1. RanOverATaxi

    Subscriber Milestone I JUST HIT 50 SUBS!

    I know 50 Subscribers might not be a lot, but for me it is! I just started my channel about 2 months ago, and now i finally hit 50!
  2. RanOverATaxi

    PC PC and Xbox One Collab!

    Hi Guys! I'm 14, I have a higher pitch voice then most people my age. I want to have make new friends and have fun playing games while doing it! I have a somewhat new/small channel. I have gotten somewhat decent views on my videos the past week, but I would like someone to collaborate with on...
  3. RanOverATaxi

    Community Want to grow your channel?

    Can i get a shout out?
  4. RanOverATaxi

    PC Recording Partners!

    I have 43 Subs at the moment but edit and record good videos, Good thumbnails and turning 14 this week. Can i still email you?
  5. RanOverATaxi

    PC Minecraft SMP With a Twist! Looking for players!

    Just skype me. I'm 14 and my skype is roat.private
  6. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming Skype group for any of you!!!

    Can I join? My skype is roat.private
  7. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming Xbox One Collaboration

    I'm 14 and my skype is roat.private Gamertag: RanOverATaxi I'm on mobile right now so I can only skype message and Xbox message
  8. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming Xbox One Collaboration

    Age requiremnt?
  9. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming Need Youtube gamers for Games on Pc and xbox 1

    AGE: 14 SKYPE: roat.private XBOX ID: RanOverATaxi STEAM: RanOverATaxi Im messaging you on skype, but your not answering
  10. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming Collaboration for Minecraft!

    YouTube Channel - Do you have Skype/TS - Yes, skype = roat.private How would you describe yourself? - Young, new/small inspiring YouTuber wanting to make good friends and have fun collaborating with other YouTubers! Age - 14 Anything else...
  11. RanOverATaxi

    XBox Call of Duty Bo3 Team -=- Recruiting -=- Xbox One

    Hey Guys! I'm creating a all of Duty Team and i am Recruiting for an A Team and b Team! Requirements are in the video and the application is linked below! Before you apply, -+=REQUIREMENTS=+- - Age must be between 12 to 16 (With exceptions for being younger, depends on how mature you...
  12. RanOverATaxi

    XBox Xbox One Collab || 12-15 Years Old

    Im skyping you
  13. RanOverATaxi

    XBox Xbox One Collab || 12-15 Years Old

    Whats your Skype?
  14. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming Looking For Youtubers To join My team!

    So has the other teammate looked it over?
  15. RanOverATaxi

    PC PC Collaboration and Xbox One Collaboration!

    Give Wisdom What?
  16. RanOverATaxi

    Gaming PC Collab Group

    Age: 14 Mic?: Blue Yeti FaceCam?:Not on Videos yet, but on skype yes Skype Username:roat.private Games played:Rocket League Minecraft CS:GO Garry's Mod BO3 UFC And a ton of other games