Luckily I never had a problem with lag, It ran very smoothly which is probably why I enjoyed it a lot more but probably ticked a few people off as they were on the receiving end of reapers guns and hanzo' bo haha. Ticked me off that they didn't let the game you were in end before closing the...
Thanks for the advice, At the moment with my regular job I've been at home a lot more so I've had the time to edit and upload them, Usually I have no time at all so I've been making sure to edit as many as possible and get some more out in the world, but i guess i'll start stockpiling some for a...
Hey everyone.
I properly started up my channel about a few months ago, Uploading gaming videos (non commentary at the moment as I don't have much time by myself) got my channel and videos out there on a few forums, G+, twitter etc but I'm still failing in bringing in new subs and views.
Looks like I'm in the same boat as you all though I have less subs and struggling a bit to get new ones no matter how much i promote my channel, I'll be heading over to check out yours and wish you all the best.
Final Fantasy 7, Some serious hours went into that game getting everything, killing everything and dominating the chocobo races with my golden majestic beast.
Fallout 3 I got my platinum trophy in.
And even though there isn't much collecting to do in FPS, I had to get platinum in MW2 and I...
I have the same problem, I've gotten my videos out there, my channel also and had some very positive comments for my videos but I just cant seem to get subs. I see all the people saying they've got a lump of subs in a shirt space of time and then there's me, sitting in the corner of the room on...
Getting the word around the internet would be good, I've seen many people commenting that there are some games they like to watch without commentary, games that have intense stories you need to follow or ones with lots of cut scenes.... just a shame they've all stayed cleared of my channel haha!
Congratulations! epic milestone achieved and hope your channel continues to grow, hopefully someday i can post that milestone on here but until then i have 7 subscribers to please :)
They are good games, some of the best. FF7 and MGS 1/3 will always be my favourite. I love the story of both but it's the music that draws me in! FFXV? Not out yet but it will be added to my collection, I have played the platinum demo and uploaded it to YouTube though. If you meant FFXIV, I had...
How's it going, Everyone good?
I managed to find this site on my wonderful adventures around the interweb looking for places to get my Youtube channel out there to the world.
I currently upload gaming videos to my channel, mainly recorded on my ps4 as this laptop that I'm currently typing all...
Great channels on here, Ill be subbing to more in due course when I'm not at work. I'm looking to grow my channel and get myself out into the community and to meet great people along the way, if anyone could help out with that by checking out my channel, subbing, liking, commenting on my videos...