Search results

  1. Smithy5000

    Is YouTube a Legal Job?

    Doing youtube would class you as self employed, any money you make from it you need to declare it and possibly pay tax on it if you have earned enough.
  2. Smithy5000

    Twitch or Hitbox?

    I'd have to side with smoothly, It would be hard to find the time to record and edit while trying to live stream as well, you should focus on just one. either Youtube first to get an audience going and when you have a few people watching your channel upload a vid to say your going to be...
  3. Smithy5000

    Other Milestone Mine first Freedom Paycheck!!

    Don't listen to them, If your first paycheck makes you happy it's a milestone nonetheless. Your first paycheck from making youtubes its never going to be a high number, don't see why people can't just be happy for you, Congrats!.
  4. Smithy5000

    Subscriber Milestone 450!! Hopefully i don't lose it while you are reading this LOL

    Congrats on the milestone, as I'm reading and typing this you're now on 492. keep in going
  5. Smithy5000

    Gaming LikelyJetVSgames

    Welcome to freedom, I hope it does you well.
  6. Smithy5000

    Gaming Best Call of Duty Channel?!?

    Welcome to Freedom, I hope it helps you grow. Just remember, there's plenty of careers you can go down without good school grades. Having the idea that YouTube will be a career from the start will not go down well, if it doesn't work you have nothing to fall back on and if your channel does...
  7. Smithy5000

    Gaming Myself

    Welcome to Freedom but please only introduce yourself once. Instead of one sentence stating how many subs you have, say a bit about yourself, what your channel is about, what your goals are. I hope Freedom helps you.
  8. Smithy5000

    Gaming Introducing my channel,feel free to check ! :)

    Welcome to Freedom, I hope joining here helps you grow into the channel you want it to be
  9. Smithy5000

    What's the best mario game?

    That's a toughy! Super Mario bros 3 Super Mario land Super Mario 64 Super Mario Sunshine Super Mario RPG Does Luigi's mansion count? Mario Kart 64 I can't pick just 1!
  10. Smithy5000

    A Quint-Kill and 2 purples from a Lootbox Overwatch

    Impressive, I'd be more impressed if the quint kill was from normal shots and skill but its pretty easy to get multi kills with an ultimate
  11. Smithy5000

    Anyone want to Collab?

    You know there's a Collab section on the forum? You'd probably have more luck on there as you will have a lot more traffic going through that section from people looking to collab
  12. Smithy5000

    The new COD looks good

    I'm just getting sick of these exo skeletons / nano whatever BO3 had (can't remember), I just love to run and gun thats all I want
  13. Smithy5000

    YouTube Video Ranking

    I thought it depended on how many likes the video has
  14. Smithy5000

    Opinions on Overwatch?

    There was a few options for colour blind people, little drop down list to change what shades people can see. I love the game. Haven't had the time to buy it yet but absolutely hammered it during the final part of the open beta so I could get a lot of kill clips for youtube. I mainly used...
  15. Smithy5000

    the games that influenced me the most.

    If I start a game I have to complete it. It's always so satisfying seeing the characters wave you off or part their ways or however the game may end. (To name a few).... Gold medal challenge 92 for the nes had amazing music to see you off at the end, very emotional for that type of game. FF7...
  16. Smithy5000

    Favorite game soundtrack :D

    There's to many games for me, Sonic 2/3/adventure/battle, Chrono trigger, Many Final Fantasy 1-10 (mainly 7) MGS 1/3/4, NieR, F-Zero, Super mario 3/world/64, Halo 2 - Unforgotten (I love piano pieces), Uncharted 3 (menu), Hitman 2 stealth assassin. That's all I can think of right now
  17. Smithy5000

    the games that influenced me the most.

    When I first started playing games (back in the day when the Megadrive and NES were all the range) my first 2 loves were Super Mario 3 and Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I did play a wide variety of games but those 2 were the main games I played. Both games I loved the music, It was all catchy music each...
  18. Smithy5000

    Gaming Hello I would like to introduce myself

    Welcome to freedom, Don't forget to fix your sub button so people can check you out.
  19. Smithy5000

    Gaming Hey

    Welcome to Freedom Nirby, Hope Joining freedom lets your channel grow (I so want to start calling you Kirby)
  20. Smithy5000

    Entertainment Nice to meet you!

    Hello Harry, honestly never seen a channel about arcade games/claw machines, very unique, Hope you continue to grow