Search results

  1. Smithy5000

    Gaming Hi, its TheJackPlayer here!

    Welcome to Freedom Jack, hope it does you well
  2. Smithy5000

    Music Kombi Records

    Welcome to Freedom, I'm sure there will be plenty of people here interested in checking out your music.
  3. Smithy5000

    Comedy hey im bear

    Hey! Welcome to freedom, will need to fix your youtube link in your signature, How about telling us a little bit about yourself?
  4. Smithy5000

    Gaming Xynogen Gaming

    Welcome to Freedom, I shall not be call you you xynogen or xyo.... I shall call you Squishy! and you shall be mine and you shall by my Squishy
  5. Smithy5000

    Infinite Warfare

    If the main game stays at it is, all futuristic and in space then I can see it flopping against Battlefield but its still going to have high sales due to the remastered MW being bundled with it.
  6. Smithy5000

    Gaming The Flying Dutchman joins the club

    Search the forums for Banners, I've seen a few that are offering members for free, can't remember the names though or what part of the forum they were in, maybe the general discussions or the gaming section
  7. Smithy5000

    Gaming It's my BIRTHDAY!!

    Happy birthday!......... now where's my cake????
  8. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    And how did you get the correct people to view your content?
  9. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    Yep same, although I don't have church and with my job my hours or more 84+ depending if I do 7 days or not (12 hours a day)
  10. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    I could have the most amazing content in the world, if no one knows its there no one will view, you have to promote and its not an act of being desperate. All the big companies out there these days, do you think they just had a little shop in the corner of town and waited for people to...
  11. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    I already know subscribers are real people, I'm in my mid 20's so I know how the world goes around, "Quantifying subscribers is a mindset that you need to lose immediately" I think you may have misinterpreted me as one of these young people who are after nothing but subs to be like to top...
  12. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    Where did you advertise your channel to begin with? As I've been adding links to pages everywhere but don't seem to draw people in. All i want to do at the moment is get to 100 subs so I can create a unique URL as some little kid started just after me with my name (facepalm)
  13. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    I've posted on reddit before, can't remember if it was the right section or not....pretty sure it was, I also post on a few channels on G+ which gets me a few comments and views but I need to get them out to more places.
  14. Smithy5000

    What's your favourite game?

    Too hard to decide, FF7 was my major love interest when i was 7, the story/music/action just hooked me, Then Metel gear solid came out and the same happened again music and story was amazing, I had an affair with Soul Reaver when that came out, the puzzles, story, music again. Then i played MGS3...
  15. Smithy5000

    Hey guys!, how you all doing?

    As everyone says, subscribers will come in waves. I noticed that you don't really have any playlists set up, archive your videos for easier viewing and the ability for the videos to play one after the other.
  16. Smithy5000

    about gaming channels

    I don't know if anyone commented with this, I skimmed over everything pretty quickly....... Ask you subscribers to see what they might like to see, certain games (rpg/fps/etc) have a quick voice over at the start of your video or at the end asking them, put it in the video description and then...
  17. Smithy5000

    Good clips hard to come by.

    You've got to remember, all these top gaming youtubers more or less started during the boom of it and have also been going since 2010 -2012 so they've had 4 or more years to build their fan base and amass the funds to pay for all these new games/hardware that are coming out to keep their...
  18. Smithy5000


    I thought it was a great game, the matches I played though people tended to favour Bastion which got a bit tedious but I got over that dilemma by using Hanzo, Widowmaker and Reaper, It would be good if there were more game modes as with there only being for it would get slightly stale after as...
  19. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    And thanks Ada, every bit of info helps, I know about collaborating with other YouTubers it's just finding the time to do that at the moment:(, hectic work and family at the moment
  20. Smithy5000

    Struggling to bring in new subs for channel.

    My friends in life aren't interested in YouTube gaming stuff, that why I'm trying to get my channel out there, get in touch with people who are interested in this stuff. Ah I was playing it on PS4 so servers were probably a bit better, I didn't tend to use reapers finisher that much, too many...