Search results

  1. Stelgim

    I don't know what to watch '-'

    There is a few good ones in this seasons lineup, I recommend Hai to Sensou no Grimgar, Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, and Konosuba for it's humour. Of course this all depends on your taste in anime genre ;)
  2. Stelgim

    Other Milestone 1000th video!

    Great achievement! :D Not that many that can upload every single day, but I'm guessing you had a few breaks between?
  3. Stelgim

    Request Please give me your opinion on my channel

    I love the thumbnails, they're not overly complicated and they stand out. The Logo in the corner of them is a great idea, as well as using yourself as thumbnail material. Banner is simple and works well, not overly dramatic or anything. Trailer is excellent, I couldn't take my eyes off to see...
  4. Stelgim

    Request Feedback On My mic

    I think I prefer the microphone in the first video (top one), the audio levels are clearer and easier to listen to. The second one has your mic audio a tiny bit lower than the game, making it harder to listen.
  5. Stelgim

    Gaming Do you like gaming walkthroughs and more? Then check out my channel!

    It's working now, great! That's weird, normally when you create a channel there is supposed to be at least an uploaded section for viewers to check out. For that one to be suddenly gone was strange, either way you fixed it and all seems well :)
  6. Stelgim

    Gaming Do you like gaming walkthroughs and more? Then check out my channel!

    Weird, are they blocked for my country perhaps? EDIT: I think I know the problem, you haven't made a channel page layout so new viewers doesn't know if you've made any videos at all.. unless they go Username/Videos Doing that might make more...
  7. Stelgim

    Talking in Videos

    It takes time to get used to "talking to yourself" when playing games, in the beginning it will feel weird and hence you sound nervous. This will quickly vanish with experience, produce more videos with live commentary and you'll get used to it. Post-commentary is something I'm not good at, but...
  8. Stelgim

    Gaming Do you like gaming walkthroughs and more? Then check out my channel!

    Hello, welcome to the community! Is it just me, or does your channel seem empty - is it private, deleted or am I checking out the wrong channel?
  9. Stelgim

    Forum Milestone Most Forum posts!!

    Congratz!! That's some milestone to achieve ;D
  10. Stelgim

    How/what softwares you use to edit?

    The first video editing program I used back in the day was Windows Movie Maker. It didn't do much, but then again the quality wasn't bad for that time on YouTube (480p etc), I used it all the time until I ordered Sony Vegas Pro 11. Upgraded then to the newest, and it's now v.13 Now, it's not...
  11. Stelgim

    Gaming Stelgim Play's Introductions

    Thank you! happy to be part of the community and meet new people
  12. Stelgim

    Gaming Stelgim Play's Introductions

    Time flies by quite fast! I still can't believe this year will be my 10th anniversary on YouTube, haha (Channel age that is). Maybe I should do something special, no idea what though. Thank you! I only hope to get more experience in the future :)
  13. Stelgim

    Gaming Stelgim Play's Introductions

    Thank you! Sports is a gaming category I just can't play anymore, by "Racing" I mostly meant racing only games (I guess never racing games are better last one I remember is 10years ago). If it was with friends then most games equals fun times and shenanigans. Only shooting game I have enjoyed...
  14. Stelgim

    Gaming Stelgim Play's Introductions

    Hello everyone at Freedom! I'm originally from MGN, but will introduce myself to you guys as well. Name: Stelgim (I tend to not use my personal name on the internet) Where are you from?: Norway How old are you?: 28 this year How did you find Freedom!? I think it was from the video that...
  15. Stelgim

    Gaming Subscribe to my awesome youtube channel.

    Hello, and welcome to the forums Would be nice if you wrote what your channel is focused on, what games can I expect to see in the near future from subscribing. ;)
  16. Stelgim

    What is Healthy Growth

    That is an amazing growth! Well compared to me, I got to this many in, what since 2011? Then again my peak was in 2012-2013. What ever you do, try not to stay in hiatus for too long! That might make your viewers forget about you - or even unsubscribe since they can't remember why they subbed in...
  17. Stelgim

    How much money you earn per day ?

    I really don't know how much I earn, don't really think we can say the precise numbers. I probably would have 'earned' a bit more if I monetized all the videos I had permission for earlier, or back when I first uploaded. Then again I wasn't a partner so no option for it. The CPM changes for...
  18. Stelgim

    Resources Need Review-

    My personal suggestion would be to add commentary in your videos, shorter videos would be nice as well. Certain games might need longer video length, but most of the time you can cut out boring parts and leave in the ones you find okay. Thumbnails is nearly a must, of course it might take some...
  19. Stelgim

    Games You're Recording?

    I only have a few series running right now. - Legend of Grimrock II - Subterrain And some one-shots of games I have gotten from developers. But the main thing right now is to finish Grimrock 2 and perhaps Subterrain.