Search results

  1. Stelgim

    Gaming Re-introducing myself.... Please help me out :)

    Hello, only one introduction in the Introduce Yourself section. For feedback, I recommend playing more diverse games that has less channels showcasing, that way you have bigger chance of getting new viewers.
  2. Stelgim

    Gaming Latest Gaming Video Thread

    Did you private part 2, or is it the wrong link?
  3. Stelgim

    YouTube Views Milestone 1 Million views!

    That's a big number to reach, congratz on that! I can only imagine what it'd feel like, and the views will only grow more :)
  4. Stelgim

    Resources Free Game Keys for Those who Wish to Do Reviews

    This is actually a pretty good site, I have requested a few games and got them a few days later. Then we have some developers who randomly send you keys for games to review. Most of the games are quite fun to play, just be sure to only accept games you will cover, as this will boost your rank on...
  5. Stelgim

    Gaming The Oculus Rift Is Finally Shipping | Brink Daily

    I remember pre-ordering the consumer version early, but I don't think my PC is compatible yet for VR (according to Steam VR test), unsure if it's the same as Oculus software.
  6. Stelgim

    Growing over youtube suggestions

    I wouldn't recommend buying subs. Best would be is to start playing games that are rarely showcased on YouTube, if you add commentary it will help as well. But yes collaborating would help your channel, if the viewers at your partner's video see who they play with, they might check you out from...
  7. Stelgim

    Other Milestone Woah Google Plus Milestone

    Congratz! Is that google+ visitors? if so, whoa. Perhaps you should start posting videos on your google+ profile if you're not already doing so.
  8. Stelgim

    What happened here guys?

    This is actually very common - well except for the 0 views part maybe. YouTube sometimes take back views to recalculate them, and some days they are not even shown on their analytics, and comes back a few days later on that very day - if not it will be added to the day they fix it. I'm pretty...
  9. Stelgim

    What can I do on Freedom to promote my channel?

    I believe the best way is to start making connections with people, try reading other threads on the forum. Comment if you're interested and even chat to us on the live chat. There is a lot more you can do to promote, but try to stay inside the forum rules about this :) Try to connect with your...
  10. Stelgim

    Are Intro's really necessary with youtube now?

    I always skip ahead to get away from the intro's, as most channels have a rather annoying music that I don't like, or it's so loud it'd break my ears. Also you'll get bored of it after a while, I recommend putting 5-10 seconds of your best clip from the video in the beginning instead.
  11. Stelgim

    Solved MONEY

    Normally when you're in a Network, you didn't have to worry about establishing an Adsense account. But for those that went with a partnership directly with YouTube, you needed an adsense account for enabling monetization - this was done in Account Settings under Creator Studio, Channel and...
  12. Stelgim

    Solved MONEY

    Sometimes, the people viewing your videos will have Adblock on.. or in a mobile device that is not capable of showing ads on. And other times, it won't show up before a few days. Have you made an adsense account and linked it to your channel? This is needed to get ad revenue, at least it used...
  13. Stelgim

    What software to use when recording monitor?

    If you mean only the monitor and everything that's on it. I can use the Xsplit local record option. For games, I use PlayClaw 5, back when I bought it I had it set up for TS3 names to show up when someone talked, can't get the plugin to work anymore, but it's still a good choice for splitting...
  14. Stelgim

    Gaming Hello my name is Aiko!

    It's great to see someone introducing themselves with a lot of information, welcome to the Freedom community forums! I wish I could draw as well as you. I actually enjoy drawing, but I'm only good at certain body proportions like the face and arms. I think you could get quite a few subscribers...
  15. Stelgim

    VLOG Face reveal (but who really gives a ****)

    I was expecting a jump scare or something, didn't expect YOU to come jumping into the image. This means you can do facial expressions on your videos, well videos where it's the most needed I'd reckon?
  16. Stelgim

    Freedom Forums

    Hey, KaragGaming, try to be an adult about this and not make it any worse. Think of it as a simple warning, this is not the place to be making enemies of each others.
  17. Stelgim

    Gaming Starting my Gaming Youtube up, Come check me out! :)

    Welcome to Freedom! It can be hard in the start to get noticed, but if you manage a varied gaming content it'll be easier to find your channel. Best would be to just produce a lot of content :)
  18. Stelgim

    Fun and Games Let's Count to 100,000!

    6059 302 pages?! I didn't really expect to see this many posts in here.
  19. Stelgim

    How do you pick the people you collab with?

    I tend to mostly collab with people from the same group as me(friends), I think the chemistry is ok between all of us. The amount and who is in each session is random though, the humour can get different depending on which mix of people is online. Haven't dared to collaborate with some other...
  20. Stelgim

    Comedy A channel you would not regret

    Hello Amby, welcome to the Freedom Community!