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  1. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone I JUST HIT 3000 SUBS!

    Keep up the good work :D, hopefully one day i`ll be like you :)
  2. 2 Steps Away

    Watch Time Milestone Finally 14k views!!

    Good job dude, just keep working, you`ll be big someday, maybe faster than you think
  3. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone 50 Subscribers!

    Just keep the good work up :), i`ll support you
  4. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone 50 SUBSCRIBERS <3

    Just continue to post and with time you`ll make criminal content :D, good work
  5. 2 Steps Away

    YouTube Views Milestone 4,000 VIEWS ON MY CHANNEL!

    Just like Betta said, trust yourself, you ARE gonna be big someday :)
  6. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone 290 Subscribers ! Wow !

    GJ dude, keep up the good work :D, i`ll check your channel in a sec
  7. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone 5 Subs

    8 with me :D keep it up, i`ll support you as much as I possibly can :)
  8. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone Just reached 320 subs. Thanks!

    It`s hard but, i want to thank you, to those who support me and help me in any way. Thank you. You`re awesome
  9. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey, my name is Robert

    Thanks and I already did :D
  10. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey, my name is Robert

    Thanks, i will right now :D
  11. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey, my name is Robert

    Nice, i subbed :)
  12. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey, my name is Robert

    I will and thanks for the help
  13. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey, my name is Robert

    Thanks alot for your warm welcome :)
  14. 2 Steps Away

    VLOG Hello Freedom! :)

  15. 2 Steps Away

    Tech WrightJakob0

    Thing is this is a great fam, but the point is whatever you do, don`t give up on hope, keep working for your dream. WELCOME
  16. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey, my name is Robert

    Hi to all of you guys:). My name is Robert, I am from Romania and I am 18yo.I make youtube videos, and at start it was really hard, I hoped so much that one day i will get a partnership, but that dream looked impossible to achieve,but one day as I was editing a video, I decided that i should...