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  1. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey all !!!

    Thank you, I really appreciate. And Romania, right now, has a really bad weather. :) like you just want to stay inside your house and do YT :))
  2. 2 Steps Away

    YouTube Views Milestone I just hit 10.5k views

    Just want to thank you guys for all the support. #Freedom!Familly
  3. 2 Steps Away

    Gaming Hey all !!!

    Your name: Liviu, also known as TheZBoy (Optional) Where are you from?:I`m from Romania (Optional) How old are you?:18 How did you find Freedom!?: I actually learnt about Freedom! when i got invited to join the network :D What made you join our forums?:The great Freedom! Familly What are your...
  4. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs!

    Nice, keep doing YT, i know the feeling when you reach a milestone :)
  5. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone We are already 75!

    Congrats, you got my sub
  6. 2 Steps Away

    YouTube Views Milestone Will He Eat It?

    HAHA, that`s funny :)) Gj
  7. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone FINALLY HIT 30 SUBSCRIBERS!!

    Congrats, just keep going you`ll be big someday :D My milestone is 500 atm:D
  8. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone JUST HIT 40 SUBSCRIBERS TODAY!

    Congrats, keep up the good work, i subbed
  9. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone Just reached over 50 Subscribers !!!

    Cool , nice channel, also if you have time check mine :D
  10. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone Just pasted 50 Subs!

    Pretty cool :D, keep up the good work, also if u have time check out my channel. I subbed anyway
  11. 2 Steps Away

    YouTube Views Milestone THANK YOU!

    I subbed to you, cool channel btw, have to say ppl are really into BO3:), keep it up. I would appreciate if you can check my channel too
  12. 2 Steps Away

    YouTube Views Milestone 50 views in one day

    Cool, great job. keep it going and check my channel too if possible :D
  13. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone 25 subs so far!

    hey i checked ur channel, i subbed :D, also mind and have a peak over my channel too :)
  14. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone FINALLY HIT 30 SUBSCRIBERS!!

    gj, also i subbed, u can check my channel too
  15. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone About to hit 2000 Subscribers

    Gj u have my sub, also u may check my channel too.
  16. 2 Steps Away

    Other Milestone I reached 10k views

    I reached 10k views, i`m feelling awesome that somebody is actually watching my work. Thanks.
  17. 2 Steps Away

    Subscriber Milestone 75 subs achieved now on to 100

    Keep up,i`ll sub to you as a token of my support :)