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  1. Mr Price

    Gaming IronicGamer (New)

    Welcome man!
  2. Mr Price

    Gaming Hello There!!

    Welcome man!
  3. Mr Price

    VLOG Hello Forum FAMILY!

    Welcome man!
  4. Mr Price

    First sign i have made

    Yeah, all made with my hand :P Oh thanks, will do it nextime :)
  5. Mr Price

    My Own Room Render In Cinema 4D(Feedback)

    Mainly 3d logos/banners
  6. Mr Price

    First sign i have made

    Well hey guys, most of you know that im a designer :P Well yesterday i downloaded illustrator and im trying to master that art of designing too! So i was playing around with the paint tool and this is what i made Any feedback? ofc don't forget if you need gfx to be done you always can contact...
  7. Mr Price

    Sports Hi Friends

    Welcome! man, good that you decided to do something in your life! Good transformation!
  8. Mr Price

    GFX Request Looking for help with Logo and banner!

    Currently i have no cartoon style on my port, but if you click on the links below you can see my port. But i do can do cartoon style
  9. Mr Price

    GFX Request Looking for help with Logo and banner!

    I really do like that idea ;) Its not confusing at all! But i cant do it for free, it would be 10-20euros Hopefully thats not a problem for you.
  10. Mr Price

    YouTube YouTube coming to a TV near YOU!

    Freedomnl haha, sinds wanneer bestaat dat dan?
  11. Mr Price

    Anyone want to make a channel banner for me?

    I do reckon that i can make a better one!! But i cant do this for free. I would love to help you! Make sure to click on the links below
  12. Mr Price

    Service Request İ NEED PİCTURE

    We got the deal aye?