Search results

  1. Mr Price

    Service Request Facecam

    I would love to help you man, cant do it for free tho ;(-5eu
  2. Mr Price

    GFX Request Need a 2D Intro (Vegas Pro)

    I would love to help you man!
  3. Mr Price

    Favorite Sport?

    Thx man, i will :)
  4. Mr Price

    Favorite Sport?

    Hehe thanks ;) Long way to go xD im only 17years old atm, but boxing sucks at holland, barely any fighters, so dutch champion doesnt mean **** tbh xD
  5. Mr Price

    Favorite Sport?

    Boxing, (Dutch champion for almost 2years) :) Hopefully i can take it to prof lvl
  6. Mr Price

    Movies and TV Shows Favourite Movie?

    Same :P But ye what is 10mil if you have 170mill net worth :P
  7. Mr Price

    Movies and TV Shows Favourite Movie?

    you must man!! Only one thing i didn't liked, its Hugh Jackman last movie (wolverine)
  8. Mr Price

    Movies and TV Shows Favourite Movie?

    bruuuh, even more hahaha, i was laughing my ass off the whole time haaha
  9. Mr Price

    Movies and TV Shows Favourite Movie?

    LOGAN! Just came back from the cinema!
  10. Mr Price

    VFX Request I need a video intro (Paying Credits)

    Sounds good! Pm me your email.
  11. Mr Price

    VFX Request I need a video intro (Paying Credits)

    I would say around 400
  12. Mr Price

    VFX Request I need a video intro (Paying Credits)

    Since the intro would be hard, i do normaly charge around 10-20eu, not sure about credits
  13. Mr Price

    VFX Request I need a video intro (Paying Credits)

    I can make that for you, but not for free.
  14. Mr Price

    Community Introducing

    Welcome man!
  15. Mr Price

    Gaming Hello Everyone!

    Welcome man!
  16. Mr Price

    Community How i found freedom

    Welcome man!
  17. Mr Price

    Gaming MY COD CHANNEL!

    Welcome man!
  18. Mr Price

    Community Hello

    Welcome man!