Fight a lion so I can say I died by a king. ;) Would you rather live 31 days of being a millionaire living the life but after you die or live forever being poor.
As far as i'm aware there is a minimum standard in place at Freedom where it requires you to have 33 views a day in order to be partnered, however the Freedom forums are free for anyone to roam. I left my old channel at 470 subscribers to head in a different direction playing a different game...
Titles says it all, as well I've changed my YouTube channel however still wanted to keep my forum account, is it possible to change my forum username? Thanks! :D
Hey guys, just wondering if there are any fellow HoTS youtubers around currently? I like to view other people to see if there are ways that I can improve my own videos, if you are then what type of videos do you guys make? Would love to see what you guys come up with!
- Qwerts [ Link removed...
current stats:
1 Subscriber
2 Subscribers
I expect nothing less then a 100% rise in every department ;)
Current Stats:
182 Subscribers
Video Views 11882
October 26th 2014
1 Year Prediction:
999 Subsribers - Thought i'd be different ;)
October 26th, 2015