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  1. Qwerts

    Community Heroes of the Storm and Facecam?

    Hey guys, I recently uploaded my first Heroes of the Storm video with a facecam, in fact it's the only video I have ever posted with a facecam and I would love some feedback from you guys, if you could let me know what you think below I would greatly appreciate it thank you!
  2. Qwerts

    Service Doing free graphics!

    Would love a new avatar and banner man! I will make sure you are in the about section of my channel to try and help you grow! :D
  3. Qwerts

    GFX Request Banner/Avatar needed

    Hey guys, I have a GFX Request for you. If you're up for a bit of a project i'm looking for a bit of a rebranding. I'm up for preety much anything even if it comes to inventing a brand new image. Thanks very much for future people! :D
  4. Qwerts

    Is it worth having a facecam?

    Thanks everyone for their answers! I've just finished recording my second HoTS video with a facecam, first one getting released tommorow. Something I've always wanted to do and i'm having a blast while doing it :D
  5. Qwerts

    Community why hello there

    Hey welcome to the Freedom forums! I hope you find what you're after here. Nice little channel you have going there. Keep it up. I like the fact that you want to do something to do with video making at the end of the day that can go a long way.
  6. Qwerts

    Gaming Hello

    Hey and welcome on board the Freedom Train :D
  7. Qwerts

    Is it worth having a facecam?

    Hey guys, I am just wondering some of your opinions on whether it's worth having a facecam for your gaming videos. I have just tried it out and it works quite nicely. Just wondering whether you think it can really engage your audience onto another level?
  8. Qwerts

    Fun and Games Continue the story!

    Albino men that walk by
  9. Qwerts

    Subscriber Milestone Thanks for 2K Subscribers!!!

    Massive milestone to reach! Well done on the commitment and effort it took for you to reach 2k! All the best :D
  10. Qwerts

    Gaming My names Qwerts

    Thanks everyone for the really nice feedback! Really appreciate it.
  11. Qwerts

    Gaming My names Qwerts

    Sorry GBullzGaming, im not sure what you mean :P
  12. Qwerts

    Gaming My names Qwerts

    That he is! He really started to grow quite substantially shortly after I left. I used to play Nosgoth with him. Makes me happy he is doing it full time now. He actually got banned before when he had 10k subs and was permanently banned by YouTube but he decided to come back and start again so I...
  13. Qwerts

    Gaming My names Qwerts

    Yeah man HoTS is a really cool Moba by blizzard, insanely fun honestly would definitely recommend! :D
  14. Qwerts

    Gaming My names Qwerts

    Thanks for the support guys, League's a good game! I enjoy HoTS more though (probably because i'm a blizzard lore lover) ;) noticed you play Smite Blizil! I used to play with a youtuber called FrostFangs back when he had 300 subs, he plays Smite so you might've heard of him? Good game Smite is!
  15. Qwerts

    Service Shoutouts and Reviewing chanells / etc

    Hey Kensta, mate it would be great if you could give me some feedback. and as i'm asking you to take a look at mine, I thought i'd take a look at yours aswell and I noticed a number of things that might be quite helpful to you. One of those is maybe sorting out the capital letters in your...
  16. Qwerts

    Gaming My names Qwerts

    Hey Freedom friends my names Qwerts i'm a Heroes of the Storm player and lover, so I chose to make videos of helpful tips for the game making best builds and all that jazz. Although i've only been going for 3 days, i've already uploaded 3 videos. I used to own a YouTube channel called...
  17. Qwerts

    Total time to upload?

    I currently get about 0.71 upload speed (maximum), my latest video took 14 hours to upload. I would love your internet pls
  18. Qwerts

    Fun and Games Type your username with your Eyes closed!

    Well considering I type ALOT at work, this should be fairly easy. hahah Qwerts / ThisIsGaming
  19. Qwerts

    Fun and Games Continue the story!

    you cant help but taste