Search results

  1. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Funny Clash Royale - Life of a F2P player :)

    hope you guys like it im still new to all this world
  2. officialShnAppS

    Request Review my new channel please

    Hey guys so i just got my brand new Partner Badge :) so i wanted to come here and get roasted by you a bit :) feel free to tell me the whole harsh truth :) if you did liked my channel feel free to leave a sub to help me get to 100
  3. officialShnAppS

    Subscriber Milestone 70 subscribers in 2 weeks!

    thanks alot guys hope to keep growing
  4. officialShnAppS

    Subscriber Milestone 70 subscribers in 2 weeks!

    wow this is just awsome..i hope i get to that 100 subs soon enough!!
  5. officialShnAppS

    Subscriber Milestone 800 SUBSCRIBERS!!!!

    congratz man!hope i reach it someday too!! you close to the first 1k..thats amazing
  6. officialShnAppS

    YouTube Views Milestone 1500 Views!

    well thats just insane..i dont know how but i passed 1500 total views on my channel wich i have for almost 2 weeks..and i started uploading dayily like 4 days ago..thats just crazy! i hope to continue to grow with freedom since i just joined this awsome looking community!
  7. officialShnAppS

    VR Hey guys any clash royale players?

    hey guys im looking to collab with other clash royale or any other pc game or xbox one gaming! if you like to collab on any game please comment below :) andif you want check out my channel as well :)
  8. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Hi everyone

    every channel has potential if you do it right and consistently!Good Luck
  9. officialShnAppS

    Community Hello Guys and Gals! ShnAppS here!

    thank you @Row ill defintly will check this out!
  10. officialShnAppS

    Community Hello Guys and Gals! ShnAppS here!

    hey every one! so i started my long life dream of opening a youtube channel and decided to go with freedom! the community here looks awsome and i hope to fit in and grow with the rest of you folks! if you like please visit my channel and leave a sub :)