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  1. officialShnAppS

    How To Hello best friends :)

    welcome to the family brother!hope you enjoy it here :) i subbed to you :)
  2. officialShnAppS

    Tech Intro to Greatness

    welcome to the community buddy! i hope you grow fast :) i subbed
  3. officialShnAppS

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs in 2 weeks!! what?!

    thank you so much all! i really hope ill keep growing!
  4. officialShnAppS

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs in 2 weeks!! what?!

    hah i wish 270 a month..i can see it happening :) sure m8 i subbed
  5. officialShnAppS

    Subscriber Milestone 100 BABY

    congratz man just hit that too! btw i checked your channel and you are doing great!! keep doing what you do and you will grow in no time!i subbed
  6. officialShnAppS

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs in 2 weeks!! what?!

    just hit 100 2 weeks..thats insane for me..i know its not thattt much..but for me its awsome i want to say thank you to the people on the freedom! forums who subbed to me!! and if you didnt sub yet..feel free to do so :)
  7. officialShnAppS

    Gaming New join from Malaysia

    hey row sorry for the off topic question but where do i get that signature with the subs and views and channel name?
  8. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Hey guys, just got into Freedom! 2 days ago

    oh software developer at a startup..hard 9-5/9-7 job not much time left to come up with videos+record+edit
  9. officialShnAppS

    Gaming CLOSE TO 100

    i subbed man :) the grind is hard hah im at 97 i want that 100 so much XD i have no clue what to do for the 100 special
  10. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Hey guys, just got into Freedom! 2 days ago

    what are you mean what am i working with? software?
  11. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Sports/Cod YouTube Channel

    dont post the whole link..just what commes afrer the \channel\ party for example my url is so only add UCcK34dEWvsAh6lrS69-eWEQ in the options
  12. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Hey guys, just got into Freedom! 2 days ago

    i try to post daily but with my work its almost impossible..but still i got to 97 subs(at the time of this reply XD) in just 2 weeks..thats amazing..
  13. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Hey guys, just got into Freedom! 2 days ago

    Welcome to the family man..i myself just joined freedom just couple of days ago and i really enjoy this community :) i checked out your channel and left a sub :)
  14. officialShnAppS

    Gaming Sports/Cod YouTube Channel

    Hey Man Welcome Back! add your channel to you signature so we can check it out
  15. officialShnAppS

    Request Review my new channel please

    i record with a mirror app..forgot its name sory XD and thank you very much for the review
  16. officialShnAppS

    XBox New YouTuber looking to play Call of Duty Black Ops 3 with new people for laughs and moments

    hah **** didnt saw the xbox tag in the title lol im down to play with yall..i wanted to start making COD videos for a while now