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  1. majkxter x

    What does your YouTube subscribers mean to you?

    For me it is nice, I usually talk with my fans on fb page, if I lose some sub, that happens a lot I am very sad but what to do, still there are a lot of people in there liking the same things you do and it is great when you find people like that to have some great talks with them. :)
  2. majkxter x

    Can I Get some advice?

    Well welcome back to cyber world work. Girlfriends are nice to have, I wish I have one, but you have a point because of that there is more time for videos. Just keep good work like before and try up some new interesting stuff that your fans like. :)
  3. majkxter x

    How can I get my audience to be more engaging?

    Yeah talk to your fans, if you had 3 channels then you must have some regular fan base, talk to them about improving your channel. :)
  4. majkxter x

    New YouTube Partnership Program?

    Yes it is good thing to accept that. In a future one of good things is that you will be able to use music from youtube on your channel because we are now partners with youtube too. :)
  5. majkxter x

    Favorite TV shows?

    Friends, How I met your mother, Big Bang Theory, Two and Half Man. :)
  6. majkxter x

    Top 3 favorite movies?

    Rush Hour trilogy, and lately many anime movies. :)
  7. majkxter x

    YOUR 2015 Game of the Year?

    I am a PC gamer so game of the year is GTA V for me, because it comes out in 2015 for us. :)
  8. majkxter x

    What Country Are YOU From ??

    Serbia! Have a nice day everyone. :)
  9. majkxter x

    When was your last video ?

    Last video was today, I try to upload every day one video if I have time. :)
  10. majkxter x

    YouTube verified with only 1,000 subs

    Well now you can request on freedom to verify your youtube channel and if you satisfy conditions they can verify your channel you just need to have google+. But that is not that much important to me so I didn't make a request so far. :)
  11. majkxter x

    Beginners Guide for New YouTube Channels

    Nice guide. I am sure it will help a lot of people who are new to youtube. :)
  12. majkxter x

    Almost gave up.

    Yeah never give up because you never know ehen some nice things will happen to you. Good luck. :)
  13. majkxter x

    Promoting Yourself

    Well I never use any of social media to promote my videos, I guess I have luck that people click on my videos at first place. But I guess there are a lot of people interested in game I make videos about. :)
  14. majkxter x

    What do i do about dislike spam??

    Well another option you have look from what country dislikes are comming the most, and block your videos in that country if you don't have many views from that country anyway, but if you do well just leave it that way, I had spammers on my videos too with more than 10 dislikes on every my new...
  15. majkxter x

    What games are you looking forward to?

    Digimon story cyber sleuth, but I don't own ps4 of psvita so it is big disappointed for me. :(
  16. majkxter x

    What do you guys like to watch?

    I only watch games from consoles that I can't have because I don't own other console, just 3ds and PC. :)
  17. majkxter x

    Sad days

    I am sorry to hear that and sorry for your loss. Our pets can be better even than friends, they are like family and that way it is like we lose one member of family who always loved us. :(
  18. majkxter x

    Would You Like to See My Actual First YouTube Video?

    You know how people usually say that hard work always pays off. Good luck in building your channel. :)
  19. majkxter x

    Should I get an apartment or live in a dorm during my first semester at university?

    Well if you can aford both ways you can first try at dorm to see how is that working, and if that works great for you it is done, but you can always find some friends to get apartment together to pay less but sometimes a lot of people in same apartment can be tricky because some people like more...
  20. majkxter x

    My Channel

    Good stuff you have in here, keep a good work and good luck. :)