Search results

  1. majkxter x

    Best screen recording for pc?

    I am using OBS and I am very happy with it. :)
  2. majkxter x

    Is this a good gaming PC?

    It is great for me. I mean my computer is much weaker and I can still run almost all of the new next gen games. :)
  3. majkxter x

    Not feeling freedom is right for me.

    I am with freedom one year and so far everything worked great. I don't know about benefits, I never ask, but because I come from poor family every money I get I am happy with. But in your case maybe you shoudl contact some supports about benefits you can get on your channel and maybe they can...
  4. majkxter x

    Service Free intros for everyone!

    Very nice work, I like it. I made my intro not a long ago, it took me like 5 mins but it is not anything special, I guess you have much better tools. Good luck and I hope you will make many great intros. :)
  5. majkxter x

    What are your other hobbies?

    Basketball. :)
  6. majkxter x

    Top 15 New Upcoming Open World Games 2016

    Very nice games. I am looking forward for the PC ones. :)
  7. majkxter x

    My experience with Freedom

    Look at this video George said it why. Hope this will help. :)
  8. majkxter x

    What am I Doing Wrong?

    Well many people use many other ways of promoting their channels. Some people buy subs and views, some people use social media for that. But people who use only hard work in making videos their channel grows slower but at least you get some nice fans. Good luck and keep a hard work. :)
  9. majkxter x

    What is the best way of gaining new subs

    Well at least for me at begining you do stuff that you like the most and find people with similar interests, you talk to them and they help you growing your channel. Good luck. :)
  10. majkxter x

    Doing long hour recording ?

    If it is some interesting content I don't mind watching a longer video, but if it has some boring stuff it is better to have shorter videos. For example if that boring content is at begining of video many will stop watching, etc. Good luck. :)
  11. majkxter x


    That is a great idea. You can build your fan base from people who speak dutch and it is also interesting for people who can read it in english. Keep a good work and good luck. :)
  12. majkxter x

    What should I do ?

    Well every begining is hard, just keep a good work and it will pays off. Upload whenever you have time for that and people can click on your videos and if they like what they see they will search for more of your videos. :) Good luck.
  13. majkxter x

    SUBS or VIEWS??

    Well I get over 90% of my views from people who are not sub to my channel. But I am thankful to all people who support me in eather way. :)
  14. majkxter x

    Favourite Youtuber

    Me. :D
  15. majkxter x

    Will freedom kick me out?

    Well I think you should be ok. Even if you don't post new videos people still watch your other vidoes and you get views and money too. I don't know if there is some rule in here if you don't post vidoes for some time to be unlinked but you should ask support for that. And btw good luck in fixing...
  16. majkxter x

    What makes you dislike a YouTuber?

    I think that there is no need to dislike someone. If I like some youtubers I always show support to every video, but If it happens that some people can be jerks or something like that I just don't click on their videos at all. I am not disliking videos because the person made them is bad. I...
  17. majkxter x

    Ravenclaw is getting married :D

    Congrats Ravenclaw! That is big step, best of luck in the future and have a happy, healthy, rich life. :)
  18. majkxter x

    Show me your beefing computer specs?

    I know what you are saying. For example I check specs before I buy some game and for example for GTA V it says that my graphic card can not support game, but then I got game as gift and try it anyway and it is working without problems, so I guess it is not that bad. :)
  19. majkxter x

    Windows 10 Good or bad?

    Yeah windows 10 is great, new, fast and looks good. The only bad thing about it is if you use pirate games on it, because it will have ability to find them and delete it from your PC I guess, but in other way it is great OS. :)
  20. majkxter x

    Show me your beefing computer specs?

    Very nice specs you have in here guys. I come from poor country so I don't have strong PC. AMD Phenom II X4 840 3.2 GHZ 6 GB DDR3 RAM AMD radeaon HD i7 6700 750 GB Like you see not strong at all but at least I can run GTA V without lagging and that is nice for me. For some future big games my...