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  1. WildPlaysHD

    XBox Xbox One

    I have xobox one and i play and record BO3. my xbox live id wildman1019
  2. WildPlaysHD

    Subscriber Milestone First 10 Subs

    One tenth of 100
  3. WildPlaysHD

    What games should i record?

    Fair enough but im not sure what i want to play :)
  4. WildPlaysHD

    What games should i record?

    Hi i was wondering what are some good games to record. I have COD BO3, Minecraft, Prison Architect, Farcry Primal, The Division and Rocket League.
  5. WildPlaysHD

    Subscriber Milestone 50 subs :)

    {WildPlaysHD has reached 1 Million subs} Peace of cake
  6. WildPlaysHD

    Subscriber Milestone 50 subs :)

    Well the Sidemen channel reached 1 million subs in a couple of days so i guess
  7. WildPlaysHD

    Favourite games of all time

    What is your favourite game of all time?
  8. WildPlaysHD

    Top 10 games of 2k16 so far

    What do you guys think are the best games of 2016 so far?
  9. WildPlaysHD

    What are your thoughts for Pokemon GO?

    Walking and video games
  10. WildPlaysHD

    Is Call of Duty Dead?

    no its not dead
  11. WildPlaysHD

    Your favourite game as a kid?

  12. WildPlaysHD

    What do you think about League of Legends?

    i personaly dislike LoL as i never played but im open to new games
  13. WildPlaysHD

    What games are you waiting for?

    Fifa 17 and infinite warfare
  14. WildPlaysHD

    Subscriber Milestone 50 subs :)

    I managed to reach 50 subs in 3 days yay :)