Search results

  1. WildPlaysHD

    Titanfall 2

    its up to you what you do
  2. WildPlaysHD

    Montage vs Commentary Video, Which One Should Good For Me??

    Do what you want to do
  3. WildPlaysHD

    Zombie games

    TBH probably COD BO3
  4. WildPlaysHD

    what games should i buy 2016

    we cant say what you play or upload only you can do that play what you want to play and upload what you feel like uploading its a better feeling when you upload somthing you want to then what someon else wants you to
  5. WildPlaysHD

    Gaming Is this a good series idea

    Iv just yploaded a farcry primal video and wondered if its a good part one.
  6. WildPlaysHD

    Thoughts of the 2016 games?

    ive never played final fantasy and im getting mafia 3 horizon 3 fifa 17 and infinate warfare
  7. WildPlaysHD

    Thoughts of the 2016 games?

    HaHa so true what games are you waiting for?
  8. WildPlaysHD

    Request Can you see if my music placement in my videos are good.

    Hey i was wondering if some people could review my videos and see if my music is placed right and if its flowing and fits in. thanks for your time.
  9. WildPlaysHD

    Thoughts of the 2016 games?

    what are your thoughts on the games created in 2016?
  10. WildPlaysHD

    What games are you waiting for?

    Fifa 17, Infinate warfare, gears of war 3
  11. WildPlaysHD

    What is the most popular thing to upload on youtube?

    What is the most popular thing to upload on youtube?
  12. WildPlaysHD

    Forums Sugestion

    Yeah so topic specific contests
  13. WildPlaysHD

    Forums Sugestion

    On the forums there should be a page where every so often ( like a month or so) there are competitions such as best video montage or best GFX design etc. also there should be a prize for the winner of every catagory: Tech, Gaming, Entertainment etc.
  14. WildPlaysHD

    GFX Request Can anyone make me a banner?

    Hey can anyone make me a stylish gaming banner for youtube. If you can reply to this message and email it to me at: [email protected]
  15. WildPlaysHD

    What games should i record?

    AHHH thanks
  16. WildPlaysHD

    Tips & Tricks A free Youtube banner maker

    If you are a new Youtuber or a existing Youtuber and you want to make a banner for free use this website: All you have to do is import the pictures you want to use and drag and drop them where you want them. You can also add shapes and text to the banners.
  17. WildPlaysHD

    YouTuber Gaming Group

    I think this is a brilliant idea and was wondering what console or platform you play on and what you play because maybe one day we could do a collab
  18. WildPlaysHD

    Gaming Wassap Its me WildPlays

    Your name/alias: WildPlaysHD Where are you from?: UK How old are you?: 13 How did you find Freedom!? I found Freedom through one of my mates What made you join our forums?: I wanted my channel to be noticed and what better way then through my partnerships forums. What are your hobbies...
  19. WildPlaysHD

    XBox Xbox 1 Collaboration

    [Xbox 1 collaboration] Hey guys I am looking for someone to record either COD BO3 or Minecraft on the Xbox one. Age: I am 13 years old. Channel main topic: Gaming What games/Which platform would you like to Collaborate: I would like to record COD BO3 or Minecraft on the Xbox one. Amount of...
  20. WildPlaysHD

    XBox I was looking for a collab with other small Channels

    Hey dood i have an xbox one and i would love to collab on BO3 my xbox live is wildman1019