Search results

  1. Chicco Torres

    Solved duvidas sobre revisão, strike, lei de justo uso e botão no painel do youtube

    For further assistance, you can go to and create a ticket for further assistance.
  2. Chicco Torres

    Solved My channel lost estimated revenue :/

    Hi there @Alternatywne Granie, As mentioned above, whenever you join a network your YouTube Analytics reset to make sure that Freedom! will be the one in charge of your earnings. For more information, please see this link: Hope...
  3. Chicco Torres

    Solved Being Accepted..

    Hi there @GaryGazza I'm sorry to hear if you have not received the invite yet. As mentioned above, that's the normal time frame. If ever you're still not getting any updates, you would need to contact us via I can assure you that when you send in a ticket, we will respond to it...
  4. Chicco Torres

    Solved Under Review Channel Content so long..

    Sorry to hear that @Tutto Rally HD if you have not received the invite. We're looking forward to your ticket so that we can process this for you.
  5. Chicco Torres

    Solved I have No Learn more button on Dashboard

    Use this as your reference:
  6. Chicco Torres

    Solved I have No Learn more button on Dashboard

    @RyanPhly Hi there. I'm Chicco from Freedom! Support. @zeke morgan already forwarded your information to me. First off, I would like to apologize if you've been waiting for quite some time now regarding the invite. I will personally handle this for you. If you can hit me up with a DM (Direct...
  7. Chicco Torres

    Solved duvidas sobre revisão, strike, lei de justo uso e botão no painel do youtube

    Desculpe ouvir isso. Seria melhor para você criar um ticket em para que nossa equipe de suporte possa ajudá-lo. Estamos ansiosos para o seu bilhete. Sorry to hear that. It would be better for you to create a ticket at so that our Support team can assist you. We're looking...
  8. Chicco Torres

    Solved 7 Months w/out Pay?

    Thank you for providing me the screenshot. It shows that you were fully partnered with Freedom! last October 4, 2016. Our earnings are on a 2 month delay. This is to ensure that all earnings you will get are verified and final. For more information, you can check this link out for our payment...
  9. Chicco Torres

    Solved 7 Months w/out Pay?

    Sorry to hear that. If you can provide us a screenshot of your YouTube Features page so that I can check as well. Looking forward to your response.
  10. Chicco Torres

    Solved help paypal bug

    Hi @Impact Gaming Sorry to hear that. Let's check that out shall we? If you can provide me a screenshot of any error messages that you receive whenever you try to add a PayPal account, that would really help.
  11. Chicco Torres

    Solved Dislike

    Sorry to hear that @Warner COD As mentioned above, you just have to ignore them. Likes and dislikes don't matter. Just continue to make awesome content! :)
  12. Chicco Torres

    Solved Confused

    Click on my profile, then you will see there Start Conversation. That would initiate a conversation between us.
  13. Chicco Torres

    Solved dont know what to do

    Our earnings are on a 2 month delay. This is to ensure that all earnings you will get are verified and final. For more information, you can check this link out for our payment schedule: For example, if you started being an affiliate...
  14. Chicco Torres

    Solved Confused

    Sorry to hear that @Austin Johnson. If you can send me a DM of your YouTube Features page along with your Custom ID and YouTube channel link I can certainly check this for you.
  15. Chicco Torres

    Solved Invition to Freedom!

    Thank you for providing the ticket number. Please check your email. I will respond to it shortly.
  16. Chicco Torres

    Solved Getting Paid

    We are still working out on other payout methods but so far we pay our partners via PayPal. Once we have a new payout method available, we would certainly let everyone know.
  17. Chicco Torres

    Solved Invition to Freedom!

    @DualFX Hi there. If you can please send us your ticket number so that I can check on my end as well. Looking forward to your response.
  18. Chicco Torres

    Solved Ayuda porfavor soy nuevo

    Thank you for providing us your information. I will send you a private message. Please check your inbox here in the Forums. Gracias por proporcionarnos su información. Te enviaré un mensaje privado. Por favor, compruebe su bandeja de entrada aquí en los foros.
  19. Chicco Torres

    Solved Ayuda porfavor soy nuevo

    Hi there. I'm a member of the Support team. I'm sorry to hear if you have not received your earnings yet. If you can provide me your Custom ID via DM so that I can check your earnings. Also I noticed that you've written your message in Spanish. Google translate may not be as accurate for a...
  20. Chicco Torres

    Solved Re-Link

    Hi there @Drift Productions if you can provide me your Custom ID via DM to start off. Looking forward to your response.