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  1. Mustaque

    Gaming Half Life | THE END

    Hey people is PH and MM back with some more Half Life nad its and end of an era Half Life is done so I decided to make an extra long part hopefully you enjoy but this aint the last of the half life series we plan on doing some multiplayer and also we some also we would love it if you subscribe.
  2. Mustaque

    Gaming Battlefield 4 | Part 14

    check out my battlefield 4 live stream if you enjoyed it come out my live stream next time on twitch and subscribe to me on youtube.
  3. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | ELLIE THE TRILOGY

    Hey guys it MM back with some more the last of us in episode I die a lot you could even call it a death montage but I do manage to get through some how but more importantly we see Joel and he is not in a good way also I would love it if you subscribe.
  4. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | ELLIE THE SEQUEL

    hey people hope your having a great day got some more the last of us for you today we are still playing and Ellie and fighting alone side the super creepy dude David also I would love it if you would subscribe.
  5. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | CAROUSEL PUZZLE

    hey people is me PH back with some more contrast in this episode I had the toughest time with the carousel puzzle I lost it at one moment also I would love it if you subscribe.
  6. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | LIMBO

    Hey people hope you are good got another episode of contrast or maybe we are actually playing limbo not sure LOOL also I would love if if you subscribe.
  7. Mustaque

    Gaming LP | GTA V 01| NEW BEGINS

    Hey hope you guys are good it PH and MM with a new game GTA V we were live streaming some of the singleplayer if you enjoyed then we would love it if you subscribe.
  8. Mustaque

    Gaming Half Life | YOU AGAIN

    Hey people hope you are good it me PH and MM back with some more half life in this episode me meet MM's arch emeny again the cartoon shark well the big scary fish that looks like an angler fish but its kinda close to a cartoon shark right:/
  9. Mustaque

    Gaming LP | Last of Us | ELLIE

    Hey whats up guys hope your all doing well I got another episode of the last of us here in this one we are playing a Ellie and it looks like Joel may be alive but its doing so well becasue it looks like Ellie really wants some medicine also I would love it if you subscribe.
  10. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast 04 | SHE KICKED ME

    Hey people how's it going it's me PH back with some more Contrast so as you can tell by now puzzles arent my strong suite and during the cutscene puzzle I died how can I be that bad that I died in a CUTSCENE also I would love it if you subscribe.
  11. Mustaque

    Gaming LP Battlefield 4 Multiplayer | 13 | MM

    Hey check out my video I was live stream some battlefield 4 multiplayer I know Im not the best player but I just having fun also you have fun watch me LOOL also I would love it if you subscribe.
  12. Mustaque

    Gaming LP | Half Life 21 | UNLIMITED SPAWNING

    Hey guys whats up hope you are good it PH and MM back with some more Half Life in this one we discover PH fear of small insects and MM encounter the UNLIMITED SPAWNING also we would love it if you would subscribe.
  13. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us 41 | THAT HAD TO HURT

    Hey guys whats up got another episode of the last of us in this one Joel manages to fall the balcony corridor and land one some exposed re-bar GREAT also I would love it if you subscribe.
  14. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | SWEET COUPLE

    Hey people hope you guys are doing super today I got some more contrast for you is this one start doing a shodow puppet puzzule but we end up making a cute couple also I would love it if you subscribe.
  15. Mustaque

    Gaming Half Life 20 | ROCKETS

    Hey people hope your having a great day got another episode of Half Life so I have to say when watching PH and MM you obviously dont expect finese gameplay only brute force well thats what you get here also we would love it if you subscribe
  16. Mustaque

    Gaming Killzone Part 55 | SAVE ME

    Killzone Shadow Fall is a first person shooter style game that is set in a utopian style of future world where there is a civil war happening between the main two races that occupy the world. The Helgans and Vectans also I would love it if you subscribe :D
  17. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | WOAH DAVE

    Hey people it MM back with some more the last of us so the university was a dead end but we have another location for where the firefly's could have gone but we are in a spot of bother looks like some hunters have found us also I would love it if you subscribe
  18. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | SPACE NOIR

    Hey people I hope you are good got another episode of contrast for in this one we explore the environment more and someone forgot to tell me space time has broken also I would love it if you would subscirbe
  19. Mustaque

    Gaming Half Life | GOING AROUND

    Hey people whats up got another episode of the half life in this one there is no other way of saying it but we are lost also we would love we would love it if you subscribe :D
  20. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | GOING AROUND

    Hey people I hope your good and welcome back to another episode of the last of us in this episode we explore more of the university and I joke with a bloater YES IT WAS SCARY also I would love it if you would subscribe :D