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  1. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | THE PAST

    hey people hope you guys are super got another episode of the last of us in this one both Joel and me MM have flashbacks to the past also I would love it if you subscribe
  2. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | REVIEW

    Hey people hope you guys are good so I made a review but I would say more of a podcast style review on my thoughts about Contrast and how felt about the game definitely leave you ideas and thought about the game in the comments also I would love it if you subscribe for more content like this :D
  3. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | THE END

    Hey people its PH back with the final part of Contrast for now you never know I might revisit it in the future and I have to say an amazing game one of the best I've played this year also I would love it if you subscribe
  4. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | CANT SWIM

    Hey people I hope you guys are good got some more the Last of Us for you guys and in this one the judges give me a 10 for a flawless dive and H2O tries to kill us also I would love it if you subscribe.
  5. Mustaque

    Gaming Outlast | INSANE RUN

    Hey people hope you guys are good got some Outlast for you guys so I decided for Halloween I would playthrough Outlast again but this time the case being I would do an Outlast Insane run now who thought that was a good idea *Spoiler this game is this scary* :( also I would love it if you subscribe.
  6. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | LIGHTHOUSE

    Hey people hope you guys are good I bringing you more puzzles from Contrast and this damn lighthosue it like puzzles galore I cant figure it out should have called it horror house also I would love it if you subscribe.
  7. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | CLOCK TOWER

    Hey people hope you guys are super got another episode of Contrast for you guys today in this episode we finally finish the dreaded CLOCK TOWER also I would love it if you subscribe.
  8. Mustaque

    Gaming Battlefield 4 | TRENCH TRAP

    Hey people hope you guys are good got some more Battlefield 4 multiplayer for you guys today and in this one we manage to get our-selfs trapped in a trench great LOOL also I would love it if you subscribe.
  9. Mustaque

    Gaming Killzone | BOMBARDING GRENADES

    Hey people hope you guys are good got another episode of Killzone Shadow Fall Multiplayer for you guys today get bombarded by grenades there's a camper and I threw some C4 on some guys back also I would love it if you subscribe.
  10. Mustaque


    Hey guys hope you are good got another episode of GTA V for you guys and in this one we witness some funny physics I guess science can GTFO.
  11. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | ZEBRA

    Hey people hope you guys are good got another episode of the last of us for you and in this one I have get mixed up between a zebra and a giraffe also I would love it if you would subscribe.
  12. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | GAME OVER

    Hey people I hope you guys are good got another episode of Contrast and it a sad day today i have been defeated by this puzzle I have disgraced my family and my gaming prestige LOOL I'm joking but this puzzle is hard tho :(
  13. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | GUESS WHOS BACK

    Thanks bro sure no prob I'll check them out
  14. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | DAVID

    Hey people hope you guys are super got another episode of the last of us for you guys today in this one we try to escape the grabby clutches of David's hands also I would love it if you subscribe.
  15. Mustaque

    Gaming Killzone Part 56 | GLITCHMARE

    Hey people hope you guys are good finally got another episode of killzone shadow fall multiplayer for you guys so I'm not even so sure on my I got so pissed at the end but that weird glitch with the guys body stretching out Ive never seen anything like it also I would love it if you subscribe.
  16. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | CRUSHED BY LOVE

    Hey people hope you guys are super got another episode of contrast for you and in this one we witness the power of love also I would love it if you subscribe
  17. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | GUESS WHOS BACK

    Hey people hope you guys are good got another episode of the last of us for you in episode guess who back its Joel if somehow you didn't see the thumbnail also I would love it if you subscribe.
  18. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | SENSITIVE SHADOW

    Hey people it PH back with some more Contrast hope you guys are good so in this episode we deal with some more puzzling and you can see how not to solve a puzzle in real time i probably spent more then 30 mins just bumbling around.
  19. Mustaque

    Gaming Last of Us | ELLIE THE QUADRILOGY

    Hey people hope you guys are good it MM with some more the last of us in this episode we manage to get through the next section of gameplay and the inner devil gets released also I would love it if you subscribe.
  20. Mustaque

    Gaming Contrast | INDIANA JONES

    Hey people got another episode of Contrast for you today in this episode we run away from giant boulders, fight giant spiders and rescue a prince sound like an Indiana Jones movie to me also I would love it you subscribe.