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  1. Bryan

    Gaming =-=-Minecraft YouTuber-=-=

    Hey @Karmahhh, Welcome to Freedom!, I'm glad that you decided to introduce yourself on our forums! Could you please tell us more about yourself? This template here can help you out. You may edit the thread when you're ready. I cannot wait to see the updated introduction! Thanks! ;P
  2. Bryan

    Solved I cant apply

    Try again right now, it should work.
  3. Bryan

    Best Bluetooth Earbuds Under $50?

    Thanks bud! I actually just learned how to remove the background noise so I will definitely do that xD I find it pretty hard to be myself in front of a camera, I'm kind of a quiet person but I'm trying to be more energetic in my videos. I really appreciate the support, thank you so much. It...
  4. Bryan

    Solved Youtube dashboard partnership trouble.

    Hey Jack, Sorry to keep you waiting, the Support team has many tickets to deal with so the best thing to do is wait. It will be dealt with and they will solve your issue.
  5. Bryan

    Subscriber Milestone 50+ Subscribers!

    Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate the support :)
  6. Bryan

    Solved Songs cover

    Yeah you can definitely do that, as long as you don't take anything from the real song's audio track. So it can't be exactly the same, but it can be similar!
  7. Bryan

    Solved Help with partnership

    Could you please tell me more about the problem? Be more specific.
  8. Bryan

    Solved Can u help? :)

    You can upload it, technically there's nothing wrong with it like you can't get into trouble. But I'd think about it. If someone doesn't like that you're gonna upload something that has them in it, it's better not to. Whether you don't like them or not you don't want to hurt someone's feelings...
  9. Bryan

    Solved Message "You are missing out on potential revenue."

    It's a dashboard glitch, don't worry about it. You're not missing out on potential revenue.
  10. Bryan

    Solved HI

    You should receive a CMS within 72 hours after you've been accepted. Your channel is probably under review right now, don't worry about it. Just make sure that your channel doesn't violate YouTube's Terms of Service and don't have copyrighted material.
  11. Bryan

    Solved Subscriber count

    Hey @Maudiis42, You're subscriber count is set to private. Follow these steps to make them public: 1.) Go to 2.) Make sure you're signed into your channel 3.) Go to your channel 4.) At the top, click "Video Manager" 5.) On the left side, you should see your Creator Studio, go to...
  12. Bryan

    Solved I need Help

    Freedom! partners get paid monthly: January monetized views are paid out end of March (Mar 31st) February monetized views are paid out end of April (Apr 30th) March monetized views are paid out end of May (May 31st) April monetized views are paid out end of June (June 30th) May monetized views...
  13. Bryan

    Solved Adsense account

    You don't need to have a Google AdSense account to be paid or partnered with Freedom!. But you do need a PayPal account.
  14. Bryan

    Subscriber Milestone 50+ Subscribers!

    I recently started to become active on my YouTube channel and it yielded some numbers. Went from about 10~ subscribers the previous month to 52 as of right now! I'm very proud of this milestone and I hope there are more to come :)
  15. Bryan

    Solved Subscribe Button Bug for Users?

    @Anthony Smith is correct! There is a setting for YouTube channels to hide or view subscriber counts publicly. I chose to hide it. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with my account xD If you're wondering why I decided to hide it is because a fellow forum user made a point that viewers will...
  16. Bryan

    Solved Youtube dashboard partnership trouble.

    That's odd. Usually it shouldn't take this long for you to receive an invitation unless if you got declined. Make sure that you don't have any copyright material, you're active, and that you don't break YouTube's Terms of Service! If you're sure your channel follows all that, you should open a...
  17. Bryan

    GFX hi all friends

    Hi @GFX production, Welcome to the Freedom! Forums! It's pretty cool to see a GFX channel, I definitely find it interesting. I want to learn how to graphic design so I can make my own channel branding (intro, outro, banner, thumbnails, etc...). I have a Adobe Creative Cloud subscription so I...
  18. Bryan

    Music Hello

    Hey @sameless1, Welcome to Freedom!, I'm glad that you introduced yourself. But could you tell us more about yourself? You can use the template here to help yourself. You may edit the thread whne you're ready! I cannot wait to see the updated introduction :) Thanks!
  19. Bryan

    Gaming Hey guys Spank Me ;)

    Welcome to Freedom! @SpankMeImAZN! Neat name! I'm Asian too :P. Specifically, what games do you play? I see that you like FPS, I do too! One FPS game I'm excited to play is Star Wars Battlefront! It was in beta and I loved it, the multiplayer needed improvement but hopefully it will be...
  20. Bryan

    Solved How to post videos on Freedom

    Click here to learn how to get the partner badge! It's really easy and quick :P