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  1. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG alterações Is this the next level of the what the fluff challenge? | What do you think?

    What do you think? Do you think this is the next step of what the fluff challenge?
  2. Thelazysideoflife

    What kinds of music do you guys like?

    I am a person that has a face of someone who listens to Justin Bieber and One Direction (no ofense to anyone who likes them, I personally don't enjoy their music) but I actually like Hip Hop and Classical (Baroque) music
  3. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube Views Milestone 20,000 Views.

    Congrats to you indeed! Every accomplishment should feel good!
  4. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG Cake VS. Rain

    We were literally saved by our stomachs, but I think the choice was easy
  5. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone 90 subs!

    So we reached the 90 subs "milestone" and I think we can consider that the count down for the first 100 subscribers has begun!
  6. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube How to deal with aggressivly negitive criticism

    I've recentley become aware of the so called "hate viewers". Basically they are those people who dedicate their time to religiously watch all your videos and giving them a dislike and a hateful comment. It's horrible I know, but they eventually get tired and if they don't get any response...
  7. Thelazysideoflife

    Watch Time Milestone I hit the 20K!!

    Well done!! Congratulations!
  8. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube What has been your biggest struggle with YouTube?

    I think I'm still trying to master the whole SEO thing, I try to catch every tip that I can to improve it
  9. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG How we catch good opportunities

    The weather was so nice that we were not even mad. We just enjoyed it the best we could
  10. Thelazysideoflife

    Other Milestone 12,000 Comments

    That's very good engagement, congratulations!
  11. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone 370 Subs

  12. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone 1234 Subs.

    It sure is a milestone and a very interesting number XD. Congratulations!
  13. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone 92 subs after being stuck on 89 subs for while

    That's awsome! Only eight away, I'm sure you can do it!
  14. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG There are some small struggles that happen for a reason

  15. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone 1500 Total Subscribers!

    That's amazing! Congratulations!
  16. Thelazysideoflife


    That is truly cringy XD Loved your commenting throughout the video!
  17. Thelazysideoflife

    Educational My adopted puppy learns new things!

    He is so cute!!! I always forget how energetic puppys are XD
  18. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone Ten more!

    Somehow this time it was easier to reach our next milestone. I think that we have been feeling very motivated and trying to give our best during the process
  19. Thelazysideoflife

    Watch Time Milestone 1.4 Million Minutes Watched

    Wow, that's a lot! Congratulations!
  20. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG Vicious attack by doggo!

    This is what happened when we didn't give him the toy and let's just say he didn't find it funny at all (unlike us)