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  1. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG Boyfriend watches me doing my makeup | Affordable and easy everyday look

    This is just the way I do, the way that proves to be he easiest for me even though I'm perfectly aware that I don't follow the "normal" rules of it
  2. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone I AM SO HAPPY

    Of course you should be happy!! It's the first milestone that makes an impact, congratulations!!
  3. Thelazysideoflife

    Am'I into girls or is it just her?

    The catholicism is the most difficult part. Personally, I think that many people can be attracted to both sexes. I think you should tell your friend not to worry if she is a lesbian or not (there are girls who only date girls and don't like to identify as a lesbian). If she likes that girl it...
  4. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube How many tags u should put in A video

    Definetely use more than 4. Youtube has a limit of characters for tags and it's pretty decent so my advice is to use as many as you can!
  5. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone I HIT MY FIRST 500, YAY!!!

    Hahah love your enthusiasm! And you should be, congratulations!!
  6. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG We nee your help

    What do you think we should do?
  7. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG How we spent the last day of 2018 | Sushi and Fireworks

  8. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube Can your life Be too Boring To do Vlog's

    I would think my life is pretty "boring" and ordinary, but nonetheless we vlog! Because that's what we want to show, it's all about what your channel purpose is I gather.
  9. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube Various questions leading into 2019

    Freedom! has defenitely helped me to promote my content. Plus, I only find kind people here and never had a hateful comment which makes me even more happy to try and help to give answers the best I can. Regarding to the gaming videos, I don't think it's too late (even though that's not the...
  10. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG Doggo won't let me study!

    Well, at least he didn't eat my homework
  11. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone Three digits!

    So, we finally hit those first 100 subscribers! I know that are a lot of people who supported us here and we appreciate it immensely!
  12. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone 500 Subscribers completed on my New channel

    That's te result of an amazing job! Congratulations!
  13. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube Views Milestone 10 000+ views!!!

    One of the "magic" numbers! Congratulations! I think that those platforms update numbers at different rates
  14. Thelazysideoflife

    YouTube Views Milestone I made 1000 views in my recent YouTube videos within two days

    That's pretty impressive. The most we got was a little bit more than a 100
  15. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone First 10 subscribers

    Congratulations! That's an amazing feeling!
  16. Thelazysideoflife

    Subscriber Milestone First 100 Subscribers

    Congratulations! It must feel so good!