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  1. multigamefreakz

    Subscriber Milestone 1000 Subscribers!

    congratulations on reaching 1k, hope you get many more. :)
  2. multigamefreakz

    Need Feedback On My Thumbnail

    Very Nice indeed. Good Work. :)
  3. multigamefreakz

    Movies and TV Shows what tv series are you all watching on netflix at the moment

    I love Better Call Saul, great choice there. :) I will have to check this out. :)
  4. multigamefreakz

    Still Play Minecraft

    I haven't played minecraft for the last 2 years, i did everything in the game, really enjoyed it. :)
  5. multigamefreakz

    Splatoon 2

    Splatoon 2 looks really good, I will have to get a Nintendo Switch.
  6. multigamefreakz


    more of a fifa person tbh. but its still a good game
  7. multigamefreakz

    What Game Got You Into Gaming?

    Batman Returns on the Atari, some great memories there
  8. multigamefreakz

    Request Need you help :) You opinion

    nice banner, maybe you should think about some social network and add them to the banner, also your logo should really have your channel name or something that represent your channel, maybe a created logo from fresh. you have some great thumbnails that really stand out. other then that great job :)
  9. multigamefreakz

    You're locked in a room for 3 months with no internet.

    i would take gta 5, skyrim, fallout
  10. multigamefreakz

    Request requesting feedback! for channel and videos

    hi guys we are looking for some feedback for our channel and videos, would really appreciate it so we can see where we need to improve and change, thanks for taking the time to read this from MGFz Team Tom, Carl, Mike
  11. multigamefreakz

    Request What do you think?

    very good thumbnail, really stands out, could do to have a outline around the text make it bolder
  12. multigamefreakz

    Request Plz Review This Video

    i don't think the song really fits with the game but other than that great job bud :)
  13. multigamefreakz

    Favourite games

    monkey island series - half life - fallout - skyrim - resident evil franchise, halo series except from 5 - uncharted
  14. multigamefreakz

    must have ps4 games

    is the game good, checked out a few reviews and people saying its amazing, might have to check it out
  15. multigamefreakz

    Forums Member of the Month!

    @Showcase One Congrats on getting Member of the month. :)
  16. multigamefreakz

    Request Just getting started, I'd love some input

    First may i say wow!!! you are really good at art. I felt the video was to long, you could try 2-3 mins. Hope this helps. :)
  17. multigamefreakz

    Request Can Someone Review This Video?

    i have just watched your video and i like your commentary one thing i would add is have some JR moments.
  18. multigamefreakz

    New games

    I am looking forward to State of Decay 2, Crackdown, Call of Duty WWII, Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Destiny 2. Big list of games i have here. :)
  19. multigamefreakz

    must have ps4 games

    Thanks, i will have to try this out :)