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  1. multigamefreakz

    What do you think about Density 2 ?

    it looks very similar to the first game, and also there are no dedicated servers, might give it a go maybe sometime down the line
  2. multigamefreakz

    Destiny 2

    Going to wait for E3 to see more.
  3. multigamefreakz

    Subscriber Milestone 50 Subs!

    Congratulations on reaching 50 Subscribers, hope there is more to come. :)
  4. multigamefreakz

    Tips & Tricks Sub4Sub - Why is it bad?

    We at MGFz have nether done sub for sub because people will subscribe to you if they like you content and the same goes for me if i like and enjoy someones content i will subscribe and look forward for more of the same content to come.
  5. multigamefreakz

    Whats you're worst fear

    My fear is the same as yours, i cant stand Spiders.
  6. multigamefreakz

    Your choice playstation or Xbox?

    For me i like to play on the xbox one because most people that i know play on that console and also i am a big fan of Gears
  7. multigamefreakz

    YouTube Struggling to get loyal subscribers

    Yes you need to interact with your viewers and make them feel that its their channel as well.
  8. multigamefreakz

    What's your cup of tea?

    Battlefield games have some great easter eggs. you should get the game :)
  9. multigamefreakz

    Movies and TV Shows what tv series are you all watching on netflix at the moment

    I have not seen that, i just google it and it sounds like something i might like.
  10. multigamefreakz

    Forums Member of the Month!

    Cant wait to see what you have been up to :)
  11. multigamefreakz

    YouTube What do you hate about making videos?

    i like doing the thumbnails
  12. multigamefreakz

    YouTube Quitting after 100Videos?

    Just keep up what you are doing i know it might take you a long time to save up for a computer but when that day comes and you get the new pc with the money you saved up, you look back and say what was i thinking.
  13. multigamefreakz

    YouTube Quitting after 100Videos?

    what are some of your ideas
  14. multigamefreakz

    Movies and TV Shows what tv series are you all watching on netflix at the moment

    Don't worry i will google itThank you for the information :)
  15. multigamefreakz

    YouTube Quitting after 100Videos?

    I know it can be hard but just keep going, dedication is the route to success so if people sees that you have fresh content all the time they will come. Try to engage with your subscribes and viewers and once people see that they will come back. Hope this helps.
  16. multigamefreakz

    Community Hello I am new

    Hi Hyderpony and welcome to the freedom Community forums, Hope you enjoy your stay :)
  17. multigamefreakz

    What's your cup of tea?

    I love a cup of tea, sometimes coffee Gaming wise i love playing FPS like Battlefield 1 :)
  18. multigamefreakz

    Request Can You Review My edit

    Very nice, great Job. :)