I would say out of the two you have selected I would say Playstation. Though my best and favourite console ever has to be the PS2 as this is truly reliable, durable, has a great selection of games and never seems to break. Heck I've had mine since they came out and never needed to get it fixed.
Honestly for me it's the Nintendo Switch as it offers the most unique games. I am a PC player and to me the switch offers me games most different from my regular platform. I own an Xbox One, but never a Playstation since the PS2, not because I am bias, but simply I was a massive Halo fan in the day and it was more of a reason for that console!
PS2/PS3. Both are pretty much the same to me, because, my PS2 broke, and I have a PS3 to play my PS2 games on. But my reason for PlayStation being my favorite is because of one of my most favorite game series, Ratchet and Clank.
At the end of the day it's personal preference PS4 is my main (even tho I own a PS4 and Xbox one). Both are great but overall I like the PS4. KEEP IN MIND. Xbox 360 was and still is in my opinion one of the greatest consoles of all time ONLY behind ps2. So, their is no bias. I just love the PS4(especially since it accepts USB mics, has Spotify and uhhh paragon duh and so on. Just love it.