Network Why Freedom SEO Is Rubbish!


Well-Known User
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
Dec 26, 2014
Let's take a look at their latest video!

Turn disaster into success with Collabs! #freedomfamily - Title

There Title has 0 keywords. If I was searching in YouTube how to improve and have success with collabs on YouTube. This is not what I would use. Most people would use simple terms like

How to grow on YouTube by collaborating ? - New Title

4 Keywords straight away - How to, Grow, Collaborating

Tags - Should be ashamed!
Freedom YouTubeNetwork The George ShowYouTubePartnershipYouTube PartnershipPartnership NetworkYouTube Partnership NetworkMCNYouTube MCNGeorgeGeorge VanousFreedom! NetworkPartner Your Channelhow to ask for collaborationsrequesting collaborationsrhetoric tipsrhetoric tricksyoutube tipstips with a hint


Lets start by typing in Freedom which comes back with 20,500,000 results. Freedom has no key information to what he video is or about!

The George Show - This performs better! with 15,800,000 results. But yet what has this got to do with collobs?

youtube tips - This came back with over 111,000,000 results. You expect Freedom video to appear on the front page. Erm no!?

Freedom have got really lazy on their SEO during there tagging on Social Media. Im sorry but no youtube ever searches for #freedomfamily lets collab or Grow on youtube #freedomfamily!

Tags they could use!

Growing on Youtube with collabs - 7590 Results!
how collabs helps you grow on youtube - 3,230,000 Results
why colloabs helps you grow - 3,230,000 results.



Well-Known User
Apr 20, 2014
If I'm honest I don't even watch any of the Freedom videos because they all seem to chipper and happy when their network is filled with 90% of smaller channels under 1000 subs. Most of these people are looking to collab for selfish reasons and not to create a branch of YouTube friends who enjoy their content also.

Freedom as a network has never been a place where you can get help or promotion from them. They used to have a promotion program but whatever happened to that exactly? Are they even actively promoting channels like they said they would?

IDK man it's always been a problem, nobody is watching their videos because their interested in what they can get out of the network. They just want access to their money faster than waiting. Now yes that's a huge assumption but come on...