Looking for people (or a group) to stream on Twitch.tv with, games include anything on my steam profiles linked below.
Current thinking: I'll stream with people on the weekends on Twitch or Hitbox, then throughout the week edit the stream archive and upload bits to YT.
Age: 14+
Either works: Discord, Skype, or Teamspeak3 (I have all)
Mic of okay quality (meaning I can at least understand you, not just static pls!)
Popularity on Social Media. (I play and stream for fun.. Not just views.)
To contact me, reply to this post, or pm me.
I have about 124 games on steam, probably haven't installed or launched them all yet if it says different numbers.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/DragonBoots1/ <-- I'm almost always on
http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheDragonBoots <-- 2nd account
Current thinking: I'll stream with people on the weekends on Twitch or Hitbox, then throughout the week edit the stream archive and upload bits to YT.
Age: 14+
Either works: Discord, Skype, or Teamspeak3 (I have all)
Mic of okay quality (meaning I can at least understand you, not just static pls!)
Popularity on Social Media. (I play and stream for fun.. Not just views.)
To contact me, reply to this post, or pm me.
I have about 124 games on steam, probably haven't installed or launched them all yet if it says different numbers.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/DragonBoots1/ <-- I'm almost always on
http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheDragonBoots <-- 2nd account