Hi everyone! Nate from Team Eighty youtube channel here! I wanted to share my thoughts with everyone here about the problem I encountered. In the past few years, many developers "gave up" on their early-access games on Steam. I see it differently. It's a simple way to make money off a good idea and little to no effort at all! Just look at Rust. Great idea, but a really poor game overall. I mean, bear that drops chicken breasts, COME ON! Now, it looks more and more likely that Stranded Deep will follow the same path as Rust. New patch came out recently, with a few changes. The biggest change is the worst one-everyone lost their saves! And for what? We got a couple wild boars pointlessly running around small islands. We got BOARS on small tropical islands. They don't even drop loot. Great. I get that I'm not gonna get that much for 15 dollars, but hey, I didn't expect that kind of disrespect! I don't wanna go on and on about how I'm mad because of this move anymore, so tell me what you think about this unpleasant situation..