Hi, I recently left Freedom!, but I decided to rejoin after going solo for a while. I requested an invite, but I don't see anything on my dashboard. Any way to rejoin Freedom?
It takes them a bit to check your channel. To accelerate it please email [email protected] with your Freedom! ID and your channel ID (the one that starts with UC. Your linked channel has UCCIcjFrQyPVWXZPE_P9cd-g). You can find your Freedom! ID in the Freedom! Dashboard by clicking your profile picture in the top right-hand corner, then clicking on the Settings icon.
"YouTube has reinforced their policies to MCN's so we needed to currently work internally to a more highly personalized service before we can send an invite to new or returning channels. "
"we can place the channel on our waitlist and get back to you after 3-6 months and re-review the channel".
How true is that? YouTube made those changes a while ago and I do not see any Freedom! announcement about such a large change. Nor did the other support staff tell me this
"YouTube has reinforced their policies to MCN's so we needed to currently work internally to a more highly personalized service before we can send an invite to new or returning channels. "
"we can place the channel on our waitlist and get back to you after 3-6 months and re-review the channel".
How true is that? YouTube made those changes a while ago and I do not see any Freedom! announcement about such a large change. Nor did the other support staff tell me this
so, things are enforced on a per MCN basis, I'm guessing that the MCN you're working with had a high number of "oopsies" and YouTube is cracking down on them for the next 3-6 months but they are sugar coating things but that's just an educated guess from me.