Hello, all!
Today I want to talk to you about Tent-pole programming if you are unsure what this is the short answer is, it's making video content around a specific type of cultural event! Tent-pole programming can help you gain new audiences as well as celebrate things that are meaningful to you. here's a list of events happening in August that you may want to celebrate with your audience! So let's dive into the festivities!
1st of August 2017, National Girlfriend Day
So here is a rather easy topic that you can shape your content around, so on Tuesday the 1st of August, National Girl Friend day is official across multiple countries and types. National Girlfriends Day is a holiday on which guys take the time to show their girlfriends how important they are to them and is also a holiday celebrated by women to commemorate their female friends. While it’s not an “official” holiday – and as such government building and businesses aren’t closed – it is one that is being celebrated by an increasing number of people all over the United States. So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
Today I want to talk to you about Tent-pole programming if you are unsure what this is the short answer is, it's making video content around a specific type of cultural event! Tent-pole programming can help you gain new audiences as well as celebrate things that are meaningful to you. here's a list of events happening in August that you may want to celebrate with your audience! So let's dive into the festivities!
1st of August 2017, National Girlfriend Day
So here is a rather easy topic that you can shape your content around, so on Tuesday the 1st of August, National Girl Friend day is official across multiple countries and types. National Girlfriends Day is a holiday on which guys take the time to show their girlfriends how important they are to them and is also a holiday celebrated by women to commemorate their female friends. While it’s not an “official” holiday – and as such government building and businesses aren’t closed – it is one that is being celebrated by an increasing number of people all over the United States. So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- Cooking with my Girlfriend!
- Girlfriend does my hair!
- Meet my Girlfriend!
- Gaming with my Girlfriend!
6th of August 2017, Friendship Day!
Friendship Day is a day that is celebrated around the world to celebrate the special love between friends and the strength and power of their friendship. Although it was originally founded by the greeting card industry, probably as a marketing tool to sell more greeting cards, it has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity over the last few years. Today, many people celebrate this holiday by exchanging gifts, cards, wristbands, and flowers, or by merely sending their friends an instant or text message expressing their affection for them. So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
Friendship Day is a day that is celebrated around the world to celebrate the special love between friends and the strength and power of their friendship. Although it was originally founded by the greeting card industry, probably as a marketing tool to sell more greeting cards, it has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity over the last few years. Today, many people celebrate this holiday by exchanging gifts, cards, wristbands, and flowers, or by merely sending their friends an instant or text message expressing their affection for them. So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- Me and My Friend "....."
- My Friend guesses my favorites!
- Meet my Friend(s)!
- Gaming with my Friends!
8th of August 2017, International Cat Day!
An excuse to make cat videos for a day? YES PLEASE. International Cat Day, also known as World Cat Day, is a holiday which was created in 2002 and is used to not only celebrate the friendship that humans and cats share but also to advocate for the safety and well-being of cats. This holiday is celebrated annually on August 8th.So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- How to impress your Cat!
- How to Annoy your Cat!
- What is my Cat thinking?
- Trying to get my Cat to like me!
- Cat Trying to Game!
12th of August 2017, International Youth Day!
International Youth Day is a holiday created by the United Nations and celebrated on April 12th annually since 2000. On this day, people are supposed to recognize the importance and the hard work of the youth of the world and how they have made a difference to society. It is also a day to promote ways to engage the young people of the world and help them to contribute even more to their communities and to society in general.So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- How to remain a youth!
- Things I don't understand now I'm not in my Youth.
- What do people do in their Youth?
16th of August 2017, National Rum Day!
August 16th is National Rum Day. A holiday that celebrates and commemorates the distilled alcoholic beverage that is made from sugarcane by-products. It’s a spirit that steeped in romanticism, thanks to its association with pirates in the Caribbean. While it is considered to be the third most popular alcoholic beverage, after whiskey and vodka, on this day it is number one. So if you’re of legal age, and can enjoy this beverage responsibly, then be sure to try out one of the many drinks that can be made with rum. Remember to drink responsibly! So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- How to make Rum!
- Fun Rum Facts!
- How to Drink Rum?
- What's Best Rum mixed drink?
26th of August 2017, Dog Appreciation Day!
National Dog Day is observed annually on August 26th. This day encourages dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure, and embraces the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and abuse-free life. Dogs give us companionship; they keep us safe, and they aid those in need. So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- How to impress your Dog!
- How to Annoy your Dog!
- What is my Dog thinking?
- Trying to get my Dog to like me!
- Dog Trying to Game!
28th of August 2017, Bow Tie Day!
Got a fancy bow tie? Something your viewers don't know about your four draw collection? Now is the time to shine, get out all your awesome tie bows all the way from flowers to some awesome pop culture reference! So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- My Favorite Bow Tie
- Make your own Bow Tie!
- How to look good in a Bow Tie?
- How to use a Bow Tie!
- How to Tie a Bow Tie!
30th of August 2017, Frankenstein Day!
August 30 is Frankenstein Day. The unofficial holiday celebrates the life and times of English author Mary Shelley who wrote one of the world's most read monster novel, Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Do you do gaming? maybe to celebrate this you can look at mods that take pieces from different games or genres that lead to your favorite games becoming Frankenstein-like monsters!! Do you run a lego or engineering channel? Here's your chance to start tinkering to see how things turn out when you "Frankenstein" your old projects! So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
August 30 is Frankenstein Day. The unofficial holiday celebrates the life and times of English author Mary Shelley who wrote one of the world's most read monster novel, Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Do you do gaming? maybe to celebrate this you can look at mods that take pieces from different games or genres that lead to your favorite games becoming Frankenstein-like monsters!! Do you run a lego or engineering channel? Here's your chance to start tinkering to see how things turn out when you "Frankenstein" your old projects! So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- Frankenstein in GTA5!
- Create a sim, Frankenstein!
- GMOD - Frankenstein Play modes!
- Minecraft Frankenstein themes!
31st of August 2017, Eat Outside Day!
This unofficial holiday of unknown origins encourages eating outside as an excuse for people to go outdoors and take in some fresh air and enjoy some time under the Sun. The day is also known as Eat Outdoors Day or National Eat Outside Day in the US. So some simple video ideas can be anything from:
- What is Eat Outside Day?
- What to pack for Eat Outside Day?
- Join me in Eat Outside Day!
What do you guys think, any holidays you would like to add to the list? Will you be taking part or making a video on the holidays mentioned? Let us know in the comments below!
All the best and good luck with your holiday videos!
- Itsjustjord
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