Community Hello !

Welcome. Can I suggest you use the introduction template to give us a clearer perspective.
Your name/alias: Shan Diego
Where are you from?: Boston, MA
How old are you?: 21
How did you find Freedom!? They found me, and helped me become a better youtuber.
What made you join our forums?: I want to be apart of the community .
What are your hobbies?: Basketball, Photography, Acting, Singing, Videography.
What is your favorite food? Pîzza
Why did you start YouTube? I wanted to capture great moments.
What is your biggest dream? To make someone happy.
What kind of channel do you run?: Vlogging / gaming
How frequently do you upload?: Daily
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Reactions: AFKPlays

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Welcome to the Freedom forums, @shantaun price , its nice to meet you. Some very nice hobbies there and I see we share our favourite food of pizza, whats your favourite pizza topping?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 11, 2016
Hey, How are you? It would be a good idea if you put all your name, age, hobbies etc...

Your name/alias:
Where are you from?:
How old are you?:
How did you find Freedom!?
What made you join our forums?:
What are your hobbies?:
What is your favorite food?
Why did you start YouTube?
What is your biggest dream?
What kind of channel do you run?:
How frequently do you upload?:

In the actual Forum, So people get to know you better. Some people may not read the comments.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Sep 19, 2016
Your name/alias: Shan Diego
Where are you from?: Boston, MA
How old are you?: 21
How did you find Freedom!? They found me, and helped me become a better youtuber.
What made you join our forums?: I want to be apart of the community .
What are your hobbies?: Basketball, Photography, Acting, Singing, Videography.
What is your favorite food? Pîzza
Why did you start YouTube? I wanted to capture great moments.
What is your biggest dream? To make someone happy.
What kind of channel do you run?: Vlogging / gaming
How frequently do you upload?: Daily
Hey dude! You've got a pretty good range of selection on your channel, it's pretty interesting :D, Keep up the good work(y) (Y)


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome to Freedom!
If you ever need any assistance, ask me in the chat or send me a Private Message
I am on regularly so I should be able to help you if need be.

If you are an official Freedom! Partner on YouTube, why don't you apply for the badge.
Just go to this post:

Make sure you read both our Forum Rules and Chat Rules to understand what is permitted in the forums.
If you have any questions, check our FAQ and our Ultimate Guide to see if it has already been answered.