Hello Everyone I'm Sumeet Bharankar and I'm from India and I'm 21. I've always loved music and wanted to do something with it. I created a Youtube channel Dedicated to Music called "The Music Drop" where you will find copyright/royalty free music which can be used by all content creators. The goal behind starting this channel was to support those great artist who create such great music and give it away for free so that other creators could use them. I heard about freedom through The George Show, I loved the things I learned from him and found it really helpful so I came along. The biggest dream right now I have is to make The Music Drop a successful Record Label and help those awesome artists those make such great music and also to support and help grow the upcoming generation of artists. I'm very frequent on my uploads, I upload everyday and I make sure the artist of the song get all the proper credits of his work, after all he/she has put in a lot of effort in those 3 to 5 mins of song. So to anyone and everyone who loves music, I invite you all to be a part of my family The Music Drop Family we are happy to have you all