Did you read the part about getting forum Credits from answering news polls?

  • Yes I did

    Votes: 1,425 46.8%
  • That's the only reason I'm here!

    Votes: 393 12.9%
  • No but I'll answer it anyway....

    Votes: 1,227 40.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 6, 2015
Seems cool. You could always make it where you can use credits to get a post pinned for X amount of time. ;)

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
One thing I noticed earlier is there appeared to be a little "service charge" when I transferred some credits earlier, at what looked to be 0.01 to the 1.


Mythic User
One thing I noticed earlier is there appeared to be a little "service charge" when I transferred some credits earlier, at what looked to be 0.01 to the 1.

Yes, this used to be a flat rate of 5 Credits but was lowered to a percentage. This is to encourage tipping others with small ammounts while still hopefully stopping others converting large amounts to each other.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 21, 2013
Hey ! I like this new system, but is there more credits to long posts? Or is it the same to short posts than long posts? :p

Kamil Pierwola

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 6, 2016
₡ Freedom! Credits ₡

As I'm sure quite a few of you have noticed, we have introduced Credits to the Freedom! Forums. These are awarded for being active and helpful towards your fellow Freedom! partners.

They are not yet 100% finalized so there still may be some changes, here is a list of things that will earn you Credits.
  • Posting, it's as simple as that. Post on the forums and you will receive ₡ (some sections like fun and games are exempt form this)
  • Creating new threads (again some sections are exempt)
  • Voting in News and Announcement Polls, a great way to get feedback from the community is through polls, be sure to vote when you see one in the News and Announcement Section
  • Reading the threads in the FAQ section
  • Getting likes from other users! Create threads that spark interest or help others, also posting in the Community Reviews is a great place to receive likes and in turn more Freedom! ₡ credits
  • Gaining followers, be helpful to others to grow your following!
  • Selling art graphics and services on the forums for credits is allowed. However selling things like subscribers, comments and likes towards YouTube is strictly forbidden.
  • There is a cool-down time between posts of 1 minute, so make sure your posts are well thought out, helpful and informative! (we are still testing the best times for this so it may change around)
  • There are also a few other actions will gain small amounts of Credit, I'll let you guys find them ;)

But wait, what do you spend them on?

We are still deciding on the appropriate awards, aside from bragging rights of being the richest in the Freedom! neighborhood of course... We are planning on adding cosmetic rewards and benefits for Freedom! forums users. Possibly a ranking system where you will unlock new features at each point.

Just note the forum rules still apply! Anyone abusing the system or spamming the forums may have their credits deducted or a warning point applied to their account.

First 20 non moderators to reply to this will get an extra 5 ₡₡₡
Can't wait to see what I can get with credits!!