In this episode of Duelling Game opinion we are going to court to defend out pirate friend Samuel who has been wrongly accused of lighting fireworks in a big hall. but it isnt going to be easy for this court works on Ace Atorney logic and the prosecuter is non other then Miles Edgeworth. So can we free our pirate pall, can we defeat Edgeworth with vinding evidence and pressing witnesses. in this of course is a review for Ace Attorney. please keep in mind that I make fun of games becuase I love them, dont take it too seriously and just have fun with it.
PS: if you guys have seen or already heard then yes the new changes to youtubes partner system will hit me, it will hit me hard, not because of money lost but because un-monotized videos get pushed down by youtubes algorithm as to say we want you to get bigger but we will make a system that is working against that so good luck. so please if you have family,friends or now anyone or anyplace to share my videos then please do also leaving a like and a comment will help a lot.
PS: if you guys have seen or already heard then yes the new changes to youtubes partner system will hit me, it will hit me hard, not because of money lost but because un-monotized videos get pushed down by youtubes algorithm as to say we want you to get bigger but we will make a system that is working against that so good luck. so please if you have family,friends or now anyone or anyplace to share my videos then please do also leaving a like and a comment will help a lot.