Name to be presented on shoutout
Channel Link/Name: Johnsoulsreaper
How many subscribers: 227
Type of Content you do: PC Gaming (Toontown, WoW, Hearthstone, HOTS, Marvel Heroes Omega)
Why they should subscribe: Because even though a poor person like myself has limitations to what I have access to, it doesnt stop me from growing as a person and as a creator. My content is more than just to entertain people, it is to possibly save lives of others in their darkest hours.
Video you have uploaded I can use in the shout out video:
Channel Link/Name: Johnsoulsreaper
How many subscribers: 227
Type of Content you do: PC Gaming (Toontown, WoW, Hearthstone, HOTS, Marvel Heroes Omega)
Why they should subscribe: Because even though a poor person like myself has limitations to what I have access to, it doesnt stop me from growing as a person and as a creator. My content is more than just to entertain people, it is to possibly save lives of others in their darkest hours.
Video you have uploaded I can use in the shout out video: