
  1. Alec

    Subscriber Milestone 25 Subscribers in a week!

    Hey guys so it has been a little over a week since I started posting and I am happy to say I just hit 25 subscribers. I know it is a very small amount but I think it is a good start. I would love it if you guys could check out my channel and help me get to 50! Thanks! -Alec
  2. Lock


    Hello everybody! My name is Ola Martin Torheim (try pronouncing that). I am 21 years of age and live in norway on the midwestern countryside. The worst place to be if you have a passion about ever getting famous and living off YouTube! So yeah I am basically a gamer making guides and stuff...
  3. DaBoox

    What is your Youtube Goal?

    What is your overall youtube goal? Mine personally is to get 100,000 subs so I can get the verified check. Because honestly it looks sweet and i get rock hard just thinking about it ;p so I'd ask that you checkout my channel and if you like and ONLY if you like it i'd ask that you subscribe so...
  4. KryptekRogue

    XBox Xbox One/360 Collab

    I am a YouTuber who found a lot of my subs in one video that has since been removed for some BS claim by supercell. I am looking to grow more though and want to find someone who wants to Collab. I'm down for anything really just leave your ideas below. I do ask that you have atleast 500 subs as...
  5. U

    Gaming Who am I

    Hey my friends im UnlimitedGaming and i just joined freedom wanting to grow my channel. Im going to tell you a bit about me and what I do. My channel is UnlimitedGaming and i have a good start of 5 subs, i make videos on waw zombies. I also play Cs-go just got it a fiew days ago and i will do...
  6. Jon Deathsight

    YouTube Views Milestone Over 10,000 views on my channel!

    Today I have reached over 10,000 views on my channel! Wow I never did expect so many view on my tiny channel. Thank you all who have sub and viewed my videos on here it means a lot to me :)
  7. Film Tech

    YouTube Views Milestone 8000+ Views!!!

    Wooohoo! It's taken a long time but I'm finally at 8k views! Getting close to 10k now :D and also close to 150 subs!!! Finally my hard work is starting to pay off!
  8. MikeNotic

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers! Thanks M8!!!

    We recently hit 100 subs and I can't be happier. If you are reading this I hope you hit any goal you set for yourself soon and smash it beyond belief!!!! Sincerely...
  9. P

    Gaming My name is PLAYLIFE!

    Hello everybody! My name is Playlife and i will grow up on YouTube. I make Videos since 2014 and i dont have so much subscribers. I will be big in the scene GAMING because this is my only goal. I will keep trying making Videos. My Channel is german, so don´t wonder if you don´t understand these...
  10. Goped Fred

    Subscriber Milestone 25 subs down, many more to go :D

    I just hit 25 subs today, and I must say that is very humbling. It's not a lot, but it's enough to know that people appreciate what I do. I appreciate my Freedom community for all the help and can't wait to keep growing with you all. I still have a goal to reach out to many people and help...
  11. WoozyPictures

    Subscriber Milestone PASSED 500 SUBS + 15K VIEWS TOGETHER!!

    So! In less than 1 WEEK! From my 400 subscriber giveaway, I have passed 500 subscribers already! Not only that im now at 530! This rate of growth and progression really just makes me love this community and YouTube, it feeds me inspiration to create MORE BIGGER BETTER content! Hold tight for now...
  12. Jordan Binks

    Gaming Anyone want to Colab?

    Im new to the whole youtube thing but its my dream to be able to do it full time. If anyone wants to hit me up and make some videos together, DONT BE SHY
  13. Ryan Burr

    Other Milestone 50 Likes?! Gfx Giveaway?

    Hey guys I go by the name Crucity on Youtube. I actually have three channels One for Cod my Second for fun games with friends and third for gfx. Everyday I giveaway Gfx if we the that videos amount of Views Comments Likes etc. Todays Goal is hitting 50 likes, Could you guys help with that...
  14. PandaCraftGaming

    Gaming My Dream is to become a Successful YouTuber! ;D

    Hey guys! My name is Steven Almonte, and I am 13 Years old becoming 14, on March 3rd, 2016! My goal is to become a youtuber with over 1,000 subscribers. I am trying to become one of the best YouTubers out there and I am believing that my dream will come true. I am at 420 subscribers, and I...