
  1. The Jaguar19

    Gaming Dark Souls - A terrible player arrives

    We arrive in the painted world where Death is surely around every corner and gravity is no friend of mine
  2. Crazylawrence

    If Immortality was available, would you take it?

    Hey Freedom Family, I was watching a video from Northernlion the last day or so and he brought up a topic which I think could have very opposed views. That topic is obviously in the title, Immortality. Most would know, but if you don't, Immortality is basically eternal life, which means that...
  3. CephasRed

    Gaming I MUST TRAIN MORE!! | One Finger Death Punch (Part 5)

    After a while, I've done some playing of this game myself, training to become the very no one ever was. Let's see how much stronger I've become. You be the judge!
  4. CephasRed

    Gaming WILL I SURVIVE??? | One Finger Death Punch (Part 4)

    Back into the Kung-Fu Universe once more, trying out Survival Mode for the first time, as well as playing some more levels. How far shall I get today? How fast will I be able to kick more Stickmen butts???
  5. CephasRed

    Gaming PLATINUM MEDAL BOUND | One Finger Death Punch (Part 3)

    This game...makes one feel...EMPOWERED! Let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this game. ;)
  6. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming The Biggest Mistake I Could Make

    I come back to Minecraft in hopes of going further into my Vanilla Adventure, but make possibly the biggest mistake I could ever make... So Annoyed with myself
  7. CephasRed

    Gaming EVERYBODY LOVES KUNG-FU FIGHTING! | One Finger Death Punch (Part 2)

    Continuing the journey to become a Kung-Fu Master with the click of one button...LET THE EPICNESS CONTINUE!!
  8. CephasRed

    Gaming ONE PUUUUUUNCH!! | One Finger Death Punch (Part 1)

    A game so simple, yet SOOOOO much fun! One Finger Death Punch takes Kung Fu fighting and puts it in a stick figure madness brawl. LET YOUR INNER MASTER UNFOLD!! You can find this game on Steam for a good low price! Check it out today!
  9. Charxander Origin

    Gaming I'm SO Sorry

    It was never supposed to go down like this.....
  10. KazamaDaisuke

    Gaming Welcome to Deathville - Dark Souls Part 1

    Grab your bonfire cuz we are gonna die...A LOT!
  11. The Erratic Gamer

    Gaming No Room In Hell:Avalanche

    Hey!! The Erratic Gamer here with No Room In Hell. Had a lot of fun I played it with another youtuber who goes by Dynamo. It is a free game on steam. It involves zombies and guns and survival with objectives. Please check it out hope everyone likes it :D
  12. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming HPH Plays Lucius Chapter 13 - Overdose of Fumes

    Child + Paint Thinner+ Car + Evil Devil powers = Badness
  13. iDavidMagwire2015

    Gaming Wizard 101! Death PVP #3

    Hey guys! I got the new episode of death pvp out, it was fun and I actually won! LOL Enjoy! And always feel free to give some feedback because I am always open to it!