Hello Everyone!
My name is Jasmine Culpepper, but on Youtube I go by JasmineLaRae! I am a married 24 year old mother of four from Louisiana. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself and build a rapport with a diverse group and hopefully we can create some content together. My channel...
Hello, we would like to get bigger on YouTube, so if you check out our channel thanks!
Your name: Jason, Geoffrey, James, and Jack
Where are you from?: Texas
How old are you?: 12-13
How did you find Freedom!? My friend told me about it, probably found it off of youtube.
What made you join our...
My name is Kevin, you might know me as "Way" you might not.
I've been partnered with Freedom! since very early 2014, but I am just now using the forums for the first real time since I've joined (That's why this thread isn't in introductions). I'm looking for a Freedom rep or employee...
Hey everyone!
So I was thinking recently what my ultimate goal would be in life, and for me it is to become a professional graphic designer and one day make a career out of it.
What is your ultimate goal? weather it be life or YouTube or maybe you have several goals!
Post below, would love...
Hey guys! So a couple of weeks ago I reached my first 1000 subscribers on YouTube!!! Having a successful YouTube channel has been my dream for years! While my channel is still relatively new, only 4 months old, I have had 3 other channels in the past that.. well.. all failed miserably to say the...