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  1. SPC RedIrish

    Gaming Hello guys! FPS/gaming channel

    Welcome!! nice channel, its been a few years since I played COD but I played the other day and smoked! any feedback on how to adjust to 3D world of COD?
  2. SPC RedIrish

    Tips & Tricks Ultimate Guide to be a Youtuber

    Am I the only one that doesn't get the Damn Daniel comment? please help?
  3. SPC RedIrish

    Quality over Quantity?

    I find its more about having meaningful content that creates a quality connection and quantity is more about consistency in creation.
  4. SPC RedIrish

    Gaming new to youtube

    Welcome to the community!
  5. SPC RedIrish

    Gaming YouTube

    I like the actual game play but was off put by the gamesmanship. (personally I hate "tea bagging")
  6. SPC RedIrish

    XBox Who wants to Collab on Xbox One in North America??

    Ive been making ARK videos and would like to collab on some work. my GT is SPCRedIrish.
  7. SPC RedIrish

    Fun and Games Would you rather?

    Live in the sewer. Would you rather run out of milk for you cereal forever or always having your coffee be too hot?
  8. SPC RedIrish

    ARK on Xbox One

    I've been playing ARK on the Xbox One for a few months now and I have to say I really love this game, I even play solo. The major issue with the Xbox one version is that unless you have a second xbox and game you cant host a dedicated private server, so you have to play on the public servers. I...
  9. SPC RedIrish

    Gaming Hello All

    Welcome, I too am new to the forum and am a Xbox One gamer. I just recently returned to COD after 3 years away and would love to connect sometime to run a few maps together.
  10. SPC RedIrish

    Gaming Army Vet that loves gaming!

    Hey everyone! I'm a 12 year Army Vet that has recently started a Gaming Channel. I am looking to meet other console gamers to work with, I currently play on the Xbox One. I'm most likely like many gamers that started playing at an early age, I still remember getting my first NES in 1989! I'm 32...