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  1. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    I play WaW custom zombies on PC all the time because the maps are funny and amazing :D
  2. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    Haha that game was horrible and BO3 is okay but nothing can beat MW, MW2, BO1 and BO2 they are just amazing games
  3. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    I used to play call of duty alot but then i stopped when AW came out because the series just started going downhill!
  4. Liam Anthony

    Gaming I'm NapaAirDome...

    Sounds fun, welcome to freedom man, i'm new too!
  5. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    Yeah exactly, you enjoy the game more when you are playing with friends.
  6. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    Yeah, i mainly play with my friends because i find it more entertaining that way because we just laugh at random stuff. Also nice!
  7. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    I play Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod and CS:GO mainly, and nice i'm from Liverpool :D
  8. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    Thanks man I appreciate it!
  9. Liam Anthony

    Gaming Hi, i'm SolarPlays

    Hello, my name is SolarPlays or Liam and I am new to the Freedom Network. I have a Youtube channel where I upload random **** because why not? Here is a QnA to make things easier for you! Your name/alias: SolarPlays Where are you from?: United Kingdom How old are you?: 17 How did you find...