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  1. Bmmoffattb

    Entertainment Anime + Gaming = Life Well Spent

    I'm checking it out. GG on being an entertainment channel. We've got too many gamers in here. Lmao
  2. Bmmoffattb

    Gaming New YouTuber on the block! #NobuNobuNobuNobu

    Nice channel, dude! I subbed. Get to work on those episodes! Also, learn to make your commentaries more intriguing for viewers. People think PewDiePie and Markiplier are funny. What you've gotta try is standing out like that somehow. Maybe being a critic? Being funny? Being smart? Let me know...
  3. Bmmoffattb

    Comedy My Channel is pretty amazing, to be honest.

    Also, post a reply! I love the criticism. That, and this thing won't accept my link because it thinks I'm spamming, so yeah. Do a kid a favor?
  4. Bmmoffattb

    Comedy My Channel is pretty amazing, to be honest.

    Hey guys, I'm B-Boy-Brian Moffatt. I'm a comedian and a freelance animator. I post original content, sponsored work, and my own animated parodies on my YouTube channel! I've made some radical content, and I think you should all check it out! The link should be below this form. Or google 'Brian...