Search results

  1. krisfire

    New Intro but what could be better?

    Title says it all. what can I do better?
  2. krisfire

    GFX New Intro but what could be better?

    Title says it all. what can I do better?
  3. krisfire

    GFX New Intro That I made

    I really like how its just so simple. (Although I bet not simple to make) the only thing I would suggest is to put some music or sound effects to it. Freedom has some music sponsorships that have sound effects in the sponsorships area. :-)
  4. krisfire

    Gaming Fighting the King of the Slimes Krisfire Plays: Terraria EP 20

    Join me as I fight the king of the slimes!
  5. krisfire

    Gaming Krisfire Plays: Terraria EP 16 The Eater of Worlds!

    Hey guys join me as I fight the tunneling terror The Eater of Worlds!
  6. krisfire


    Nice job! I agree with what Danny said, about the colors and all. Really makes it look good :-)
  7. krisfire

    Service Free Banners, Logo's, and anything you need!

    Would you be willing do a cartoon version of me for my thumbnails and channel art?
  8. krisfire

    Service Cinema4D Minecraft Characters ! FREE

    I could send you a 1.7 version of my skin. Would that be easier?
  9. krisfire

    Good free VFX software

    Im looking for some software to make my own 3D intro from my logo.
  10. krisfire

    Service Free Minecraft GFX

    Is this still open? If so I would like to get one of these made.
  11. krisfire

    GFX Request Doing Free/Cheap GFX For People!! UNTIL 20 DEC 2015

    Are you still open / willing to do an avatar request?
  12. krisfire

    Service Cinema4D Minecraft Characters ! FREE

    If you're still doing this and or willing to do one for me I would like one made. IGN Krisfire Skype kflatt24 Background Transparent weapons Diamond sword Pose standing legs slightly apart in a chill Pose and if possible with a peace sign. (Hope that's not too difficult for you.)
  13. krisfire

    GFX Request Chibi/caricature for thumbnails

    Alright what I need is a little chibi/caricature (not sure the correct term) for my thumbnails. Something kinda similar to the ones on the channel mathas games(link below). I would like it to be of me. I'd prefer not having a picture of myself on the public forum so if you would like to help me...
  14. krisfire

    Gaming Krisfire Plays: Minecraft Survival Games EP 1 Ft CDT929!

    Join me and CDT929 as we paly Survival games and fail...alot.
  15. krisfire

    Who else ONLY uses their smartphone to take videos?

    When I do any type of actual filming thats not gaming videos I use my HTC M7 and the first short i did a few months back turned out pretty well. I used an external mic so that helped the sound ALOT.
  16. krisfire

    Gaming Krisfire Plays: Terraria EP 13 The First Boss!

    Join me as I fight the first boss The Eye of Chitchulu!
  17. krisfire

    PC Looking for YouTubers to collab with!

    lol all's good man, I replied on your thread as well haha.
  18. krisfire

    PC Collab Anyone?

    Hello my name is Kris and I'm interested in doing a collaboration with you, I'm 17 so I'm not sure if that would be an issue or not but if you wanna talk more message me or add me on Skype at kflatt24
  19. krisfire

    PC Minecraft Recording group NEEDED

    I'd be interested in taking with you about this. But I'm 17, if that's not an issue my Skype is kflatt24.
  20. krisfire

    PC Looking for YouTubers to collab with!

    I would be interested in doing a collaboration with you. I live in the US, I'm 17 and have a good quality Mic, and upload around 3/4 times a week. If you'd like to talk we can talk over Skype. My name is kflatt24