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  1. Lakes

    Resources Anyone know any FREE editing softwares

    I'm using windows movie maker :D If you have the money wouldn't really recommend it :D
  2. Lakes

    How/what softwares you use to edit?

    I would like to get some good editor. At this moment i'm using Windows movie editor and it seems my recorded voice gets silenced when i render with it. Also video quality kinda fades away :D but hey! you get what you pay for :D and in this case it's pile of steaming... I dont have money for any...
  3. Lakes

    Offering Hey guys! Let me give you feedback regarding your channel!

    It's streched :D my banner. Kinda was problematic becouse of not checking out banners scale before making that up. But hey thanks for the feedback :)
  4. Lakes

    Games You're Recording?

    I have now Bioshock going on. Just started that and also got better editor so quality is better than before, i added some music and stuff there. There is also going to be The Forest series. First episode is halfway done. I probably manage to upload it saturday.
  5. Lakes

    Is This PC Good For Gaming?

    I would change than AMD processor to Intel. AMD lacks some at these days. Get 8gb ram and most important is graphics card. Not sure about that integrated but i think you arent going very far with that. You get much better gpu with just 60€ but i would recommend using around 200€+ for it. Hope...
  6. Lakes

    Tips & Tricks Hey guys and gals! I need some tips and tricks with my channel!

    As the topic says, i would really appreciate some feedback about my gaming channel. Its hard to improve if you dont know what to improve :D probably everything :D so please and thanks :)
  7. Lakes

    Offering Hey guys! Let me give you feedback regarding your channel!

    Hey! Could you check my channel out? Would mean lot me :)
  8. Lakes

    Windows 10 Good or bad?

    I would recomend it now. All the biggest issues(start bar not responding, etc) have been fixed but if you want to be sure wait for couple of months ;).
  9. Lakes

    How does this all look?

    These looks amazing! Ive always wondered are all youtubers pro with picture editing by the looks of their banners :D as it seems like they have just paid someone to do it :D mine looks like **** so might be good idea to get it from somewhere else than with my own hands.
  10. Lakes

    What do you guys record games with?

    I record with OBS and havent really been checking out alternatives becouse i dont have any money :D
  11. Lakes

    How/what softwares you use to edit?

    Hey thanks guys. This gives me much to think i do some research on :)
  12. Lakes

    How/what softwares you use to edit?

    So.. yes.. editing this great tool to make your videos diffrent and unique. Ive just managed to get(hopefully) my editing going on becouse of windows N and Win10 version problems. So far i've used youtubes editor but you cant do much more than cut your videos with it(or i just dont know how to)...
  13. Lakes

    How many hours do you have on a single game?

    I think i have around 150h on civ5 and about same on War Thunder. Single player games witcher 3 is probably holdin lead place with around 100 hours.. and that game isnt even finished yet :D im enjoying it once in awhile to like make it longer :D
  14. Lakes

    YOUR 2015 Game of the Year?

    I have to say that Witcher 3 definitely. Soma is also great game :). Biggest disappoinment was fallout 3 thou :(
  15. Lakes

    Gaming It's me Lake! Hi!

    Your name: Lake Where are you from?: Finland How old are you?: 29 How did you find Freedom!?: I just heard about these networks what provide supportive community for youtubers. So i started to look for different options and heard lots of good about Freedom! and decided to join :) What made you...