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  1. illusima

    Gaming Our attempt at an introduction.

    Welcome to Freedom! I hope you guys have a wonderful time he and on youtube!
  2. illusima

    Gaming [Davidofun] Hey!!! It's me David!

    Welcome to Freedom! my dude :D I wish the best for you :D
  3. illusima

    What are some popular games right now?

    Hey guys illusima here and I've been playing borderlands 2 for about a month now on my channel waiting for my new equipment to come in hopefully here in 2-3 weeks but i wanted an idea of what games are popular now and what will be popular in the future if you can think of any, i want to...
  4. illusima

    Request Gaming Channel

    Hey guys it's illusima here and i would like some feed back on my channel. I have been doing it for a month now and i want to improve things, and before you go into my channel and say that the audio could need an upgrade i am getting a huge upgrade not only to my audio but to my computer and...
  5. illusima

    Gaming Back in a big way

    Welcome Back my dude! gave you a sub hope it helps :)
  6. illusima

    Music 20 years old singer, song writer up here :)

    Welcome to Freedom! I wish you the best of luck :D
  7. illusima

    Gaming My New Pokemon Channel!

    Welcome to Freedom! i hope you enjoy your time here and on youtube :D i left a sub i hope it helps my dude
  8. illusima

    Gaming World Of Warcraft Youtuber

    Welcome to Freedom!
  9. illusima

    Gaming Hello!

    Welcome to Freedom!
  10. illusima

    VLOG Introducing my channel

    Welcome to the freedom family Caroline! i gave you a sub :D i hope it helps
  11. illusima

    Beauty New Channel, Sub for Sub?!

    Welcome to Freedom!, and yea Sub for Sub isn't worth is my dude
  12. illusima

    Gaming Hello! My name is illusima

    Thanks for the sub, yea it helps a lot!. and yea i will forsure check out your channel
  13. illusima

    Gaming Hello! My name is illusima

    Thank you :D
  14. illusima

    Gaming Hello! My name is illusima

    Hello! I'm going to make this short but my name is illusima. I'm a new youtuber who is ready to make a lot of videos. i will be posting Let's plays, Playthroughs and survival series' to my channel. I am 18 years old and almost out of highschool!(yay) but when i am out i will be taking a year...
  15. illusima

    XBox Looking for a group to record with!

    first 10 seconds of the video and i hear "that's what you get for wishing cancer upon someone" I LOVE IT
  16. illusima

    XBox Looking to do find a group that plays Black Ops 3 that records!

    hey man, i am starting a group for call of duty, gta and anything else that we would wan't to play. what is your skype so i can add you to our group chat if you want to join the group :D
  17. illusima

    XBox Looking for a group to record with!

    i feel like i would lose intrest on OSRS lol, maybe in the future i will :P
  18. illusima

    XBox Looking for a crew to do funny moments in GTA and some Black Ops 3 stuff

    I'm down for it, it would be awesome if Robotodude was :D